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America POV

The three students stared at the Hufflepuff girl as she slid back into the room behind the wall. "Nope. Nu-uh. I'm not doing this anymore." China muttered as he turned straight back on his heels. "Oh come on, one more time isn't going to kill us!" America shrugged.

Yellow strings were wrapped around the wall, and bold red letters were written, DO NOT ENTER. "Why exactly do we have to go inside here anyway?" Russia asked with his arms folded. "We found a new room way through here!" Poland explained. "A secret one, the room is longer than we thought. Also-, Nevermind. You guys should see yourselves!"

And with that, She disappeared into the wall.

"I ain't going in there," China muttered as America practically dragged him over. "Hey, Russia do the lantern thing or something for me," America asked. Russia reached up his hand and dragged it down, and the door opened.

Now, China used every bit of its power to let America go of its cloak. "Listen here, I'm not going to be dragged into your shenanigans once again." He growled as he finally pulled free from America's grip.

"Now if you two don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you come up with another clever idea to get us killed- or worse, expelled," China growled grumpily.

He marched up the stairs, then suddenly stopped in his tracks. "Also make sure you guys aren't the last people to enter back into the dormitory room." He ordered.

America found China slightly creepy sometimes. Also, he was slightly scarier than the professors. Not more than how much Russia could be, but it still was scary. "Well, he's a goner," America muttered to the Russian.

The duo entered the black space behind the room. America felt chills run down his spine as he remembered the incident that happened last time. He traced his fingers over the formerly scared place of his eye.

As the two walked deeper into the room, it was getting more damp, smelly, and awful.

"What a gorgeous place to be in," America muttered. "The stink and the dampness of this place pulled the whole thing together." America wrinkled up his face as he barely missed getting hit in the face with a cobweb.

"Oh stop it you spoiled brat. This isn't that bad. You're grumpy and that's doing us no good." Russia huffed. America couldn't see Poland from this distance. Which probably meant that there was more space behind this fucking wall. "Like your attitude is going to change anything." America shot right back. "Whatever, at least I don't complain about it."

"Hey, I'm not complaining. Didn't you hear me? I was complimenting this place, I said it was gorgeous."

Russia turned back to stare at America, for a solid minute.

"I can't find an answer to your stupidity."

America grinned at his words. "I take pride in my work." He responded with a cheeky smile.

Just then, a hand grabbed America's ankle from behind.

As the fingers wrapped around his ankle, he yelped in fright in a surprisingly high tone. 

Russia turned back, alarmed to see what had happened, America almost kicked at the figure before he realized who it was.

"Boo!" A familiar female voice said.

"Poland," America sighed, pretending that he hadn't just screamed like an eagle a second ago. She got up from the ground and dusted her uniform. "Where's China?" She asked with a puzzled expression.

"Oh, he betrayed us and left us to die," America muttered. "No, He just didn't want to break another rule, can we go now?" Russia interfered.

Poland led the way as the three students walked. Russia wasn't talking to him, probably because Poland was there. After a few moments, They saw two different pathways. One leading to the left, and the other leading to the right. Both of them were blocked by two giant wooden doors with a lock.

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