chapter eight- Elf traitor

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Chapter 8

An: orc speech : Bold italics
       elven speech: italics
       common tongue: normal

After Eliriel finished conversing with Lady Elbereth Elentári, she was left confused.

The tone of the lady's voice was different when she made Eliriel to promise. 'I don't understand why she would ask me to do that. It seems unnecessary. Is something going to happen? The way she said "no matter what happens" hints it, but if something happens what is it going to be? Is she referring to the battle of the five armies? No, this doesn't feel to be the case. And to mention Legolas specifically, she knows I will never abandon him or any of my friends even in war. If that's not it then,...'

Eliriel decided to stop her train of thoughts for her sake, and chose to focus on getting back to her friends.

She remembered most of the way and tried her best to follow the path she made when she first arrived. With her bow secured on her back, she carefully made her way back through tree branches and bushes. The forest seemed suffocating to her when she and Laerornel first came here years ago, but now it doesn't affect her at all. 

Eliriel was so focused on returning, that she didn't notice when the forest got so quiet. There weren't many birds or animals in it since the spiders killed most of them but there were still sounds of birds chirping. But now, it was weirdly quiet. No sound at all. Eliriel was expecting spiders to show and looked up at the trees.

But suddenly, a rough hand was wrapped around her neck in seconds, as the person dragged her away from behind. Eliriel gasped in surprise but remained quiet, panicking would not help her at all. No, it was not a person. No human would dare enter here. And this awful stench gave everything away. Orcs. But why are they here? Away from their pack? Her mind was filled with thoughts as she struggled to get out of the orc's grip. A second one appeared in front of her to make sure she didn't escape.

"Well, well master will be pleased. This was easier than I thought." The one that was dragging her laughed. It sounded so twisted making Eliriel feel chills run through her spine.

"Are you sure we've got the right one?" The second one spoke, irritated at its companion.

"She has black hair doesn't she?"  The other answered, a twisted smile on its distorted face. "Even if she's not the one, we can always have our fun before we kill her off."

"You're not getting anything from me, orc scum." Eliriel said in elvish tongue and spit on the orc's face that was infront of her as she still struggled to get away.

The orc immediately wiped its face and growled. "You dirty she-elf-", it raised its hand and slapped the elleth across her face.

She winced in pain but continued to glare at the creature. "Shame that one of your little elf friends paid us to hunt you." One of them laughed darkly. "Yeah, and a hefty amount too!" The other added.

'What...No, they're lying!' Eliriel's shocked face made them laugh even harder.

"Ha! Looks like she didn't know!" They both laughed amused.

'This can't be right! An elf traitor? That works with orcs?Why would they want me hunted? This changes a lot of things...'

Before she knew it, the orcs were dragging her far away from her friends.

It has been what seemed like hours and Eliriel was nowhere to be seen.

Tauriel paced back and forth worried for her friend's safety while Legolas was sitting near a tree. He too was tense. He didn't want to think the worst so he tried to remain optimistic. 'Eliriel isn't going to be so easily defeated by a few spiders. But, what if there's more?' He thought, but was interrupted by Tauriel's voice.

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