Tempting Lip Caress

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Ishu's POV:

I couldn't help but stifle a laugh at Shub's half-hearted smile. To be honest, the idea of dancing with the girl held little appeal for me at that moment. All I wanted was to provoke a reaction from my best friend, his emotions laid bare on his face. Walking with the girl, she laced our fingers together, leading me forward.

From a distance, Shub's gaze bore into the poor girl like unseen daggers. The intensity of his annoyance radiated even from miles apart as my hands naturally gravitated toward her waist.It was as if I could feel the tension in the air, sensing that he had reached his breaking point


Shub's POV:

My smile faltered as I observed them on the dance floor, her hand locked with his. A surge of jealousy boiled within me, amplified with each rhythmic step they took. Gripping my drink aggressively, I couldn't mask the storm of emotions brewing beneath the surface.

As her face drew nearer to his ears, it struck the final chord within me. In that moment, it was as if she was unravelling him with the intensity of her gaze, undressing him in a way that transcended the physical. Every second of it, I despised it with a deep-seated discomfort.

Enough was enough. If not now, then when? With a determined gulp, I hastily made my way to the dance floor.Ignoring the perplexed looks, I reached them, and, with a firm grip, forcefully pulled Ishan away from the girl . Without a second thought, I steered him into an adjacent alley,away from the pulsating rhythm of the party.

The alley provided a secluded space, away from the prying eyes of the party. The dimly lit surroundings mirrored the intensity of the moment. I couldn't let things continue down this uncertain path.

Ishan raised an eyebrow, looking both pleased and baffled.

"What's the urgency, Shubman? I was having a good time," he said, a bemused expression on his face.

"I just didn't like the way she looked at you, it was creepy".

"what? No way. YOU saying that for a pretty woman like her, I don't buy it."

"just trust my instincts on this one pls Ishu"

"why would you barge out like that then- you could've just told me- wait a second, are you upset?"

"I'm not upset", I huffed, a flicker of frustration in my tone.

"aw, you sound jealous though " , said Ishan teasingly.

"Hmm, I never knew partners in crime got jealous over each other," he pouted. I could feel my ears burning, my face flushed red. I blinked a few times to recover from the sudden acceleration of my heart rate. It was pounding, and I tried looking around to distract myself from the wild imaginations running through my mind. All I wanted to do was to savour the taste of those pouty lips of his.

Upon sensing my heart gradually settling, I looked back at him. A gentle chuckle escaped his lips as he rose on his tiptoes, his face drawing so near to mine that I could feel the warm whisper of his breath against my lips."You're absolutely adorable when you blush :p," he remarked, playfully tapping my nose."Hmm, my love, are you so eager for a kiss? Just a friendly heads-up-I won't be held responsible if your lip ends up with a touch of colour," I teased, a hint of bashfulness crossing his features. Seizing the moment, I gently clasped his waist, drawing him intimately close—a fantasy I had harboured daily. I noticed Ishu closing his eyes, anticipating the collision of our lips. A subtle smirk playing on my lips, I embraced the desire, bringing our faces just a breath away.



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