Class 1-A... what a handful bunch

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"Y/N POV "
Today was the start of classes in UA, we were sitting in the tramway talking about what we think the year studies will be. We reached our stop of the tramway and proceeded toward UA, when we entered inside we looked for class 1-A, Izuku seem daunted by the sheer size of the school but I remain calm, we then found the class after some time searching and entered to see a argument going on with rude blue hair guy and of course boum boum boy katsuki.
"Blue hair : Put your feet off the table ! It's direspectful for the furniture and previous students that sat down on it  !"
"Katsuki : Shut up extra, from what school you are ?
I sigh at the scene as blue hair introduce himself as Tenya Iida doing a weird robot motion with his arm before he see us.
"Iida : It's you two I was meaning to say sorry back at the explaination of the practical exam for calling you out and calling you weird." He said bowing.
"Y/N : Well at least you are sorry so I accept the name Y/N midoriya and this is my little brother Izuku midoriya. And I see you already familiarized with katsuki he alway like that."
"Iida : you said you are both brothers but there nothing in common in apparence is one of you adopted ?"
"Izuku : That would be Y/N my mother found him in the streets and he became my brother."
"??? : Oh ! It's you the bushy green hair !"
We turn to see the pink cheek girl.
"Ochaco : The name Uraraka Ochaco a pleasure to meet you !"
At that Izuku was blushing while Uraraka was praising about his fighting skill and how he saved her but I noticed a yellow catterpillar ?
"Y/N : Guys ! Who's that ?" I point to the catterpillar.
"Aizawa : You managed to see me I'm impressed but for you all it took you 5 seconds to quiet down. Time is limited you need to fix that, now take those gym clothes and join me in ground beta."
We took our gym clothes and went to the changing room.
I remove my uniform to put the gym ones but Eijiro came to me.
"Eijiro : Hey Y/N good to see you dude are those wings on your back ?"
"Y/N : Wait what" I see ethereal wings how come I never saw these ? Whatever that for another time. Then a yellow with lightning black strips come to me.
"??? : The name Kaminari Denki, and what with that cloak and that white body ?"
"Y/N : The cloak is part of my body it's like a secondary armor and the white body is a chitin that grow more resistant to any physical and elementals damages."
"Purple balls hair : Guys come look at that ! Our seniors left us a present to see heaven !"
At that I caught him by the neck.
"Y/N : Hey girls be careful ! There a hole here on the wall, can any of you fill it up ?!?"
"The girls : Thank for the warning !"
With that I finish dressing up and left and I'm the first here in ground beta with Aizawa sensei.
"Aizawa : First you notice me and get here on time I was right about you Y/N  let's wait for your classmates.
After some time the rest of the class came.
"Aizawa : You all are late if you are here to make friends then leave. Anyway you'll be doing a quirk aprehension test to see your limites Y/N you are first in the practical exam how far did you throw a ball in middle school ?"
"Y/N : 89 meters sensei."
"Aizawa :This time use your quirk anything goes."

I took the ball and positionned myself in the circle I reeled my whole body and threw the ball then casted vengeful spirit boosting it.

"Aizawa : 1147 meters"
The entire class is gobsmacked by my score.
"Aizawa : This is what you will be doing, it will allow us to determine your current limits."
"Pink girl : This is going to be fun !"
Oh no.
"Aizawa : Fun ? You say then let's make it more fun the last one will be expulsed from UA !" He said with a eat shit grin.
"Uraraka : What but It's not fair ! We just got here !"
"Aizawa : Natural disaster, villain attacks, quirk discrimination, none of these are fair and It's the hero's role to even out the odds so go plus ultra."
At that we started the test.

50m run : I was against Bakugo I was faster then him and made a score of 2.11s where he did 2.86s.

Grip strenght : I took the gadget and grip it down with all my might and reach 524Kg close in result to shoji which he has 530Kg.

Standing long jump : I crouch down and jump reaching 12.7m before I managed to use my wings to do a double jump hence going 15.2m.

Repeated side steps : used to that but the pervert did better.

The results came up :
1- Y/N midoriya
2- Izuku midoriya
3- Yaoyorozu Momo
(The list continue like in canon)

Minoru started to cry like the damn baby he look like.

Aizawa sensei : Also, the expulsion was a lie.

Everyone is taken aback by the revelation, except for me and Yaoyorozu.

Yaoyorozu : Of course it was a lie it was all a logical ruse to make us go all out.

Y/N : But I have a feeling that Aizawa sensei really meant it.

Aizawa sensei : I really meant it. Now class dismissed.

At that he leave nonchalantly as school was over for today. We dressed back in our clothes and head out.

Me and Izuku just went out of the gate when Iida catched up to us.

Iida : Y/N, Izuku how are you guys doing ?

Both : Good, how about you Iida. *we both said in sync*

Iida : I'am fine thank you.

Ochaco and Eijiro come up to us.

Ochaco : You guys are here, Izuku let's go home together ! *She say with a perfectly innocent smile*

Eijiro : Y/Nbro let's me join you guys !

Y/N : Eijirobro ! The more the merrier !

We both fist bump and laugh huddled together holding each others shoulder

We both fist bump and laugh huddled together holding each others shoulder

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We soon reached the station and had to part ways.

Y/N : *Smirk*So~? About the princess~? Anytime soon ?

At my comment Izuku blush bright red.

Izuku : It's not like that Y/N ! Ochaco and I are friends !

My smirk only widen.

Y/N : But I never mentionned Ochaco~?

It's at this moment Izuku knew... he fucked up.

The poor boy was a blushing AND stuttering mess, not to even speak somewhat correctly and hide his head on his backpack. God I love to tease him to much.

Y/N : Come on Lil bro I'm just joking... you know I'll always support you, and beside she has been leaving hints to you...

He look at me confused.
Izuku : What do you mean ?

Y/N : She's interested ! She touched you on the arms and was feeling your muscles before blushing a little ! Don't waste that shot ! Propose her to hang out to learn more about her ! Make me proud and show her some games !

His eyes widen when he realise.

Y/N : ..... I knew you were dense but not that much...

Izuku : But where should I bring her to ? *Clearly getting excited and stressed out*

Y/N : She doesn't seem to be the spoiled, or demanding type so go for any cafe, there a cat cafe go bring her in It's will be a good start. Maybe in the week-end ?

At that Izuku just nod and get lost in thought, I let him think, he need to sort everything.

We got home, greeted mom. I was about to tell her about Izuku's crush when he grabbed me and glared at me the best he could, but still ended up looking like a pissed off kitten, but got the message. We ate, showered and went to bed.

1284 words, good chapter. I wish you all a good day or night bye !

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