Hosu's police intervention

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... I'll be honest with y'all I knew at some points I'd reach this number of readers, but not so soon, seriously I can't thanks you all for the supports, anyways back to the story !


So me and Miruko rushed at each others, Miruko in the air about to kick me and me countering said kick, with her momentum she send her other foot to take by surprise but I duck out while analyzing her fighting style.

Miruko : You managed to parry and dodge my attacks, you really are amazing for a self-taught I'll admit, but can you land a hit on me ? That the question !

I rushed at her again and do the same, she goes for another kick and I catch it with my left sending a Uppercut at her right in the guts, and I don't let her recover sending a barrage of punches, but manage to catch my last two punches.

Miruko : Impressive~, I didn't expected such challenge to fight against you. That be it for now, get ready for the patrol, in about 20 minutes we'll start ! But don't slack off if you are slow then you'll be on your own !

Y/N : Understood.

She released my hands and left to her room to prepare herself, mostly rest I suppose.

Y/N : 'well I guess I should put my hero costume and drink while I still have the time.'

I looked around the hotel appartment and find my room once inside I open my case and bring out my hero costume... or armor I should say... wrists, elbows, torso, knees... all set ! And... a sip of water. Now we rest, waiting for 17 more minutes.

Timeskip brought to you by Y/N thinking if he should make an actual hero costume.

Miruko : Come on It's almost time ! Do you know how to move from building to building ? I can teach you.

Y/N : I can swing from building to building and climb one but aside from that no.

Miruko : Then I'll show you !

Miruko open the window and climbed toward the roof, so I follow her

Miruko : Alright the most important to jump from a building to another is momentum and your legs, you'll watch me and you'll try.

She starts running and at one foot from the edge she halfway contracts down her legs and then extends, reaching the building infront.

So I repeat her actions and jump also reaching the building.

Y/N : After you Miruko.

Miruko waste no time and went on a sprint, patroling with me right at her trail.

We hear a scream and rushed at the source and see a classic mugging scene, a man with a machete threatening a young woman, so I jumped landing on him, kicking away his weapon, so Miruko binds him and show me how to do it correctly, because a badly binded criminal can escape.

Y/N : Are you okay ma'am ? Any injuries ?

She shake head no, probably too shaken up to speak.

Miruko : Pretty smooth there Shiro, the man already unconscious.

Y/N : Thanks

I approach the victim and offer her my hand.

Y/N : Let's bring you to safety miss.

She grab on my hand and I pull her up

Female civilian : I remember you ! Your this year UA sports festival winner, I was amazed by your performance and my little brother is a big fan could you give me an autograph for him ?

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