Part 1

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As Percy woke up, he sat up on his luxurious bed. He didn't like his flashy and incredibly itchy dress shirt his mom liked. So he put on his Home-made shirt .

He started to hear the usual yelling and threats coming from the violent mob of people outside. He didn't agree with them, but he couldn't blame them.

Percy knew what his mom would do to him when he walked down the stairs.

"Percy, how many times have I told you? Stop putting on that rag you call a shirt!" his mother, Evangeline, said with aggression. He subtly rolled his eyes, and pretended he didn't hear her.

He walked into the castle dining room with the rest of his family. He pretended to listen to his mother as she yelled at him. He wasn't gonna wear that dress shirt for his life.

He started to eat his breakfast and tuned out.He notice that the yelling sounded closer than usual.

He look around. He sat at the farthest end of the table from the hallway across the dining room. He looked at the corner of the hallway and noticed someone holding a sword.

He leaned over and whispered to his older brother Flopin.

" I think the villagers are going to attack us, kill our parents (who are sitting closer to the corner were the villagers are than all the others), and take us captive. Or worse, kill us all!" he whispered.

"Don't talk nonsense Percy!" Flopin whispered back "If you want my opinion, I think you need to stop reading those "novels" you call literature."

Percy tried to tell everyone else but they wouldn't listen either.

So he stood up and ran out of the dining room. He peaked through the small window so he could he could see what was happening. He looked in just as the angry villagers attacked his parents, and took his brother and sister.

He watched Flopin glance at him as Flopin tried to fight his way out of the strong villager's hand holding him back from any source of protection he had. But it was no use. Flopin couldn't get out of the mans arms.

He ran out the back door of the castle. As he ran his legs felt like they were on fire as his heartbeat ran faster than a gerbil running from the Sadidas.

Percedal of Sadleygrove- the Quest for a New King (Wakfu)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora