Part 2

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He ran out of the castle garden, and into the busy streets of New City. He pushed and pulled his way out of the busy crowds.

He ran out to an old ally and hoped that his eyes would open and this would all be a dream. But alas it wasn't. No matter how many times he pinched his slightly dirty arm, nothing would change.

"What is happening! Im all alone with no food, or water, my parents are probably dead, my siblings are probably being treated like slaves! To make things worse I have not money. Not even a single Kama !"Percy lied hopelessly as he sobbed.

He looked up to the sky. He looked at the clouds. Though he couldn't see much because his eyes were blurry from the tears, the slight shape of the clouds reminded him about his family, as if they were rubbing it in.

He eventually got up to make something of himself. As he walked through the gentle town.he saw a couple shiny kamas. that dropped on the ground. He looked around, then leaned over to pick them up. He put them in his small pocked, then continued to walked through the practically dead asleep town.

As he walked farther to the town square he saw an older man closing his shop. Percy looked at the sign "bread 2 silver camas". He plunged his hand into his pocket. He didn't know what or how many camas he grabbed, because it was dark, and his eyes hurt from all the crying.

He picked up the kamas and counted them "3 silver kamas and 1 gold kama ."Percy said quietly

Then he ran to the cart where the man had been closing shop.

"Um...hi Sir . I got lost and was wondering if I could buy a loaf of bread."Percy asked.

"Ohh... sorry young man but if you came with 2 silver Kamas , we're all out of small loafs but I do have one large loaf left the cost 6 silver kamas."The man said

"Well.. I don't have 6 kamas but I do have 3 silver kamas and one gold Kama Could that work?Percy responded

"That'll work all right!"The man said out of Empathy while exchanging the loaf and few kamas.

Percy ran off humming lightly as he sat down to fill he hungry body since he did not get supper that night.

Percedal of Sadleygrove- the Quest for a New King (Wakfu)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt