Part 7

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Ruby wasn't sure if he was drenched by tears or by blood. He ran up to him shaking him, and covering him more with of  his own tears.

" Percy! Please don't say you... Percy! Wake up! No no no no Percy! This is no time for jokes! Please Percy ..." he began to sob.

* cough * *cough*

"Percy!" He picked him up and hugged him. 

" Are you ok!"

"What?" Percy said clearly confused.

" I don't understand didn't you just ... well ... kill yourself!" 

" I think you're delusional." Percy yelled back with a grin gently punching him

They stepped out into the sun, and turns out he was wet but not with tears.

" What on earth happened!" Ruby yelled

" oh.. this." He held up his shirt

"I umm... this is embarrassing! I ummm... kinda.. fell in the lake. On accident. Don't worry! Then I ran here and fell asleep. Told you it was embarrassing." Percy smiled and blushed.

"Percy! No more running off !" They walked together back to the castle.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19 ⏰

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