1. Issac and Crian

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- Ship


Welcome to "Choose a potential story!"! This interactive book invites you to explore diverse characters, scenes, and potential storylines. Your votes will shape the direction of this creative journey. Dive in and be part of the storytelling experience!


• Character Profiles


About: Issac: 16-year-old, white male, black curly hair, hazel eyes, struggles with anxiety and self-image.

Here are some notes on Issac:
- 16-year-old white male
- Black curly hair and hazel eyes
- Struggles with anxiety, especially social anxiety
- Finds it difficult to maintain eye contact and gets easily flustered
- Deals with other mental health challenges
- Believes he will only be loved if he is skinny, leading to restrictive eating habits
- Crian is there for him, offering love, care, and support
- Crian's understanding and patience are crucial in helping Issac feel accepted and valued



About: 17-year-old, white male, black hair, ocean blue eyes, caring and loving nature.

Here are some notes on Crian:
- Crian is a 17-year-old white male with black hair and ocean blue eyes.
- He shows a caring and loving nature towards Issac.
- Crian provides a safe and supportive environment for Issac.
- Their relationship is built on understanding and patience.
- Crian's support is crucial in helping Issac feel accepted and valued.



• Scene 1: Eating Struggles

Description: A soft fluff and angst moment between I&C

• Scene: Issac and Crian were both at Crian's house, Crian was in the kitchen downstairs, whilst Issac was asleep upstairs. Crian was making a small breakfast for Issac. The reason for this is because Issac has eating problems, he doesn't eat much at all because he is scared Crian will leave him if he gained weight. Issac didn't really like eating either, no matter what it was. Crian wanted to start with some small steps to help his boyfriend out with eating. He put some strawberries in a bowl and made a fruit salad, for the drink he poured some orange juice in a glass. He placed the food on the counter and waited for his adorable boyfriend to wake up. When he heard some noise upstairs, he knew Issac had woken up, "Down here baby!" Crian yelled out. Issac came downstairs sleepily still rubbing his eyes, he was wearing a pair of boxers and Crian's white hoodie, it was a little big on him covering up the boxers he was wearing underneath, he also had on a pair of some white socks. "mmm.. stop yelling.. it's too early.." Issac groaned as he came down, once he did he passed Crian and jumped onto the island countertop. "Hi baby~" Crian said lovingly with a smile as he closed the fridge. "mmm.. hi.." Issac said with a cute yawn. He rubbed his eye once again, "who's all that for?" Issac asked with a confused expression. "Hmm, guess." Crian said playfully with a smile, "you, i'm guessing?" Issac guessed. "No, darling, you~" Crian answered and turned around to get to food. Issac whined, "but I don't like eating! You know that!" Issac said whining and throwing his head back. "Plus.. you'd stop loving me if I did anyway.." Issac whispered under his breath. "I know, but I promised you that we'll work on it together, okay?" Crian said lovingly and kissed Issac on his forehead. "And, I'll always love you." Crian said looking at Issac, Issac looked down. "Stop lying.. I'm ugly.." Issac said whispering and tearing up. "Baby, no.. you're perfect." Crian reassured him lovingly and lifted Issac's chin up. "Promise me you'll stop thinking about yourself that way? Please, it breaks my heart." Crian begged looking Issac in the eye, "I.." Issac was lost for words. He tried looking Crian in the eye, but couldn't and looked away. "I.. I don't know.." Issac admitted. Crian sighed and looked down, knowing he couldn't force his love to believe what he sees. He put his hand down and jumped onto the countertop next to Issac. He picked Issac up and sat him on his lap facing him. He kissed Issac on the cheek. Crian picked up a strawberry out of the bowl and put it up to Issac's mouth. "Open." He instructed. Issac looked at the strawberry and looked back up at Crian. "C'mon, just a bite atleast?" Crian pleaded, Issac sighed and took a bite whilst Crian was still holding it. "Chew." Crian instructed, Issac rolled his eyes and sighed, he chewed the strawberry, "Swallow." Crian instructed, Issac swallowed the strawberry. "I'm not a baby I can eat my own food you know, I know how to eat." Issac said. "Mmm.. I know.." Crian said sarcastically nodding and picked up another strawberry, he brought it to Issac's mouth. Issac whined, "Do I have to eat that whole bowl of fruit?" Issac said whining. "No, just until I think It's enough." Crian said sighing. Issac ate the strawberry. "Are you mad at me?" Issac asked, Crian ignored his question and picked up another strawberry and brought it to Issac's mouth. Issac took a bite of the strawberry, "So, you are mad at me.. why?" Issac said while chewing and swallowing. "Don't talk while chewing, you could choke." Crian said and picked up another strawberry, Issac took a bite and rolled his eyes. He ate the strawberry, "Aren't you gonna eat?" Issac asked with a confused expression. "Already did." Crian said with a sigh and picked up another strawberry. "Still, why are you mad at me?" Issac asked, "Eat." Crian instructed. Issac took the strawberry out of Crian's hand and threw it back into the bowl. "No! Stop ignoring my question!" Issac shouted angrily. "Love, if it's not obvious already, then I don't know when it will be." Crian said with another sigh. "Well, 'obviously' it's not!" Issac said with a pout. "So tell me why you're mad at me!" Issac yelled. "Love, I'm not mad at you." Crian said. "Yes you are! Now tell me why!" Issac shouted. Crian sighed, "Do I really sound that mad?" Crian asked. Issac groaned and dug his face into Crian's chest. "no.." Issac said muffled. "So, why do you think I'm mad?" Crian asked. Issac put his head back up, "well, you do sound kinda mad!" Issac said with a pout. Crian sighed, "Just eat, please?" Crian pleaded. "Not until you tell me why you're mad!" Issac defended. "Fine, first think about it.." Crian said. Issac thought about what happened before, then he realized. Crian could tell he knew, "So?". "I.." Issac was again lost for words, he knew what was upsetting Crian and why, he just didn't wanna admit he knew. "You don't have to say it if you don't want to." Crian reassured him. The room fell silent for awhile.. "You know I love you, right?" Crian asked, "mhm.." Issac responded and looked down. "So then you know it breaks my heart knowing you think only negative about yourself." Crian said. "Well, I won't anymore!" Issac pouted not wanted Crian to be mad anymore. "That's the problem, love, I know you will. I know you." Crian admitted. Issac sighed, he didn't want Crian to be mad at him anymore, but he also knew he couldn't blame him. Issac dug his face into Crian's chest again. "Please stop being mad at me.." Issac pleaded muffled. "Baby, I was never mad in the first place." Crian said while lifting Issac's chin up to face him. Issac was crying, he hated making Crian mad, it hurt him knowing that he hurt Crian. Issac sniffled, "you weren't?" Issac said while sniffiling, "No baby, I wasn't mad at you." Crian reassured him with a smile. Issac hugged Crian tightly, "i love you.." Issac said quietly. That was the first time Issac was the first to say it, he really meant it. It would usually take Issac a while to respond or say 'i love you' but this time he was the first to say it. Crian smiled, he hugged Issac back gently and rubbed his back softly, "I love you too." Crian kissed Issac on his head, "please don't leave me.." Issac begged crying silently even though Crian knew he was crying. It really broke Crian's heart knowing that Issac thought he'd ever leave him. "Never.. I cross my heart and hope to die.." Crian reassured Issac. Crian pulled back and whipped his adorable boyfriend's tears away, "You wanna continue eating or cuddle instead?" Crian asked lovingly. "cuddle.." Issac chose and hugged onto Crian. Crian smiled and held onto his beautiful boyfriend and slid off of the countertop. He carried him up to Crian's bedroom. They stayed there and cuddled on the bed for 2 hours straight. Issac straddling Crian burying his body into Crian's chest. And Crian gently rubbing the smaller boy's back.

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