[5] Getting Loki

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I followed Steve down the hall, not speaking a word or volunteering any information about anything. Instead I focused on the task coming. Loki would recognize me and something would surely happen. I looked up at Steve and noticed that he was staring off into the distance as if thinking about something besides the task ahead. I wished I could let go of my troubles and just think about other things but that was not how I worked. That had never been how I worked. I always had to be on my guard.

We arrived at a crossroads in the hallway and Steve headed down one side and I the other. I assumed he was going to get his suit or something.

I hurried outside and to the jet which Natasha was already in. I practically ran up the ramp to get to her, "Tasha."

"Hey Anya. What's the big rush?" Natasha grinned at me.

"Nothing. S.H.I.E.L.D.'s just stuffy and all. I've been away from it to long to know what it used to be like." I shrugged and sat down in the co-pilot's seat, crossing one leg over another.

"S.H.I.E.L.D. hasn't changed that much." Natasha pointed out.

"Obviously. But that's because you haven't been away on missions for two whole years." I announced just a little rudely.

Natasha shrugs, "Let's not get into an argument. It's not good for team morale."

I nodded and sat back in the chair.

I heard Steve Rogers come in and I turned around and whistled low, "Well, well, well Captain America's back." I grinned at him and he just rolled his eyes at me.

"Ready to go?" Natasha asked and we all nodded. I checked to make sure my two guns were still at my waist and my quiver in the corner.

"How long is this going to take?" I asked.

"A couple hours. Don't worry it won't cut into whatever schedule you have planned." Natasha gave a subtle wink in my direction and I rolled my eyes.

When there was only 30 minutes left, I nudged Natasha and motioned to the bathroom. I scurried into the bathroom and reapplied my little makeup before slipping my quiver over my back and my bow. I checked to make sure everything was secure and I headed to the front of the jet followed by Steve.

I look behind me, "Tasha. Are you not coming?"

"Who'd man the jet then?" Natasha asks and smiles, "No. I'm sitting this one out. I think you can handle it."

I grin as she opens the ramp and then have a mental breakdown. Excuse me, whoever thought out this plan clearly didn't figure out how we were going to get down from this high up. I can't fly and I don't think Steve can either. I looked at Steve nervously and he just shrugged. "Um Tasha...how exactly are we going to get out?"

"Don't worry. I'm not dropping you out into complete open air." Natasha swerved the jet to the side and paused close to the ground, "Out you go. Make sure you bring him back ALIVE. No killing Anya."

I laughed, "Right."

I jumped out and rolled upon impact and then followed Steve to where we paused behind a statue. Loki was lecturing a large group of German citizens who were all kneeling on the ground. I looked at Steve who was to decide when we would go in. "Steve. Don't you think we should go before he just decides to kill everyone?"

"I don't think Loki is planning on killing anyone at this moment. He wants to wait for something extravagant." Steve whispers back.

I hear Loki announce, "Is not this simpler? Is this not your natural state? It's the unspoken truth of humanity, that you crave subjugation. The bright lure of freedom diminishes your life's joy in a mad scramble for power, for identity. You were made to be ruled. In the end, you will always kneel."

I look out and see everyone kneeling except then an elder man refuses to kneel and gets up. I shake my head and whisper, "What is he thinking? He's going to get himself killed."

I hear him speak, "Not to men like you."

Loki responds, "There are no men like me." This causes me to roll my eyes. Obviously he still feels like a god. Idiot.

The elder man responds, "There are always men like you."

"Look to your elder, people. Let him be an example." Loki says and points his septer at him.

My eyes widen and I nudge Steve. "How about now?"

"I thought I was supposed to give the orders about when to go in?" Steve jokes, "Wait for it, NOW." he whisper shouts when Loki's scepter starts to glow blue. Just as the energy beam shoots out, Steve dives in and blocks the blast with his shield, knocking Loki down. I cheer silently as I hurry to his side.

"You know, the last time I was in Germany and saw a man standing above everybody else, we ended up disagreeing." Steve remarks. I nod in agreement and pull my guns out of my pockets and keep them at my side.

"The soldier." Loki says as he stands up, "A man out of time."

"He's not the one who's out of time." I sneer, pointing a gun at him.

I watch the quinjet arrive above us. A rather large machine gun is pointed at Loki. I hear Natasha's voice, "Loki. Drop the weapon and STAND DOWN."

Loki quickly sends a blast of blue towards the quinjet and natasha maneuvers it just in time giving Steve the time to throw his shield at Loki.

Loki flings Steve to the ground. Steve then throws his shield but Loki swats it away like it was a bug. Steve then is knocked down by Loki and Loki points the scepter tip to his helmet. I growl in my throat. We are not losing that easily.

"KNEEL." Loki yells and people all scatter away from the scene.

"Not today!" Steve announces as he sees me from behind.

I run up to him and flip over his head, effectively landing in front of him. "Hello Loki. Miss me?" I ask and I punch him in the face and then flip him over my head and onto the ground, giving Steve time to recover. Steve then rushes over and knocks him over with his leg but Loki grabs Steve and then flips him over his head.

I hear Natasha's voice through my speaker, "The guy's all over the place."

Then I hear music overdrive the quinjet speakers and I raise an eyebrow.

I recognize Tony Stark's voice saying, "Agent Romanoff, did you miss me?" And then Natasha scoffs. I sigh. Really? Stark had to come and ruin all the fun.

I watch Steve and Loki look up to the sky as Tony flies down and blasts Loki back onto the ground and then touches down pointing every piece of weaponry at Loki.

"Make your move, Reindeer Games." Tony says and I roll my eyes at his nickname.

Loki, fortunately, puts up his hands and surrenders. His armor disappears and I sigh in relief, though still pointing my guns at him.

"Good move." Tony remarks.

"Mr. Stark." Steve acknowledges him.

"Captain." Tony says back and I walk over crossing my arms over my chest.

"I believe we had it under control before you got here." I smirk and cock my head.

"Nice to see you too Anya." Tony uses my nickname and I'm sure he's smiling under his suit.

I roll my eyes and talk into my mouthpiece, "Done." I say to Natasha and I can almost hear her grinning.

Friday Update! What did you think of it? Did you like how I portrayed the scene? Did you want her to have more action? What do you think of her relationship with others? Tell me in the comments! :)

As many of you know I have started a new updating schedule. This shall be updated every friday or sunday as well as perhaps some surprise updates.

BIG ANNOUNCEMENT: I entered this book into the Wattys. So we'll see how that goes.

Next chapter shall have more action as well. :)

Please comment, vote and share!

See you all next week.


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