[29] I Hate You!

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Chapter 29: I Hate You!

❝I hate you so bloody much❞


I stormed upstairs, as loudly as I could. I know I was acting like a child, but I didn't care. I had, had a pretty crappy day and I felt like I deserved to ruin a few others.

I collapsed onto my small bed in my small temporary room. I was posing going to request a room in Tony's tower because I didn't want to be here anymore. It was stressful and tiring to say the least. Plus Clint hated me and I'm not sure I can live here, knowing that.

A knock on my door, makes me sit up and smooth my hair back. I didn't really want to talk with anyone but I opened the door anyways, relieved to see it was my sister.

"I don't really want to talk." I complained to her as I collapsed back onto my bed.

"Obviously." Natasha rolled her eyes, "But you have too."

"I hate him." I told her, obviously referring to Clint Barton.

"He was an ass and I made sure he knew it." Natasha tells me.

"Did you punch him?" I sat up, a small smile on my face.

"You know it. Would I be a good sister if I didn't take some sort of revenge on the man who hurt my little sister?" Natasha joked.

"It better have been hard." I sighed, "I just. I don't know what to do. This is all new to me."

"You've dated before." Natasha looks confused.

"Duh. But it never felt like this." I complain.

"Hah. If only, I could have told you this a couple years ago. You know when you hated his guts." Natasha refers.

"Sorry, sis. But I still hate his guts."

"But you like him, deep underneath it all." Natasha grins.

"Ugh, I hate you too." I complain, "I just don't know what to do. He's so nice one second and then mean the next."

"You're like a teenager. You guys have to get past this." Natasha tells me.



"NO." I yell and then someone peeks into the room.

"Stop yelling." It was Clint.

"Get out of here." I throw my pillow at him, "I hate you."

"I know you do. But, were you not trying to make me jealous by sucking face with Loki?" Clint has the nerve to smile at me.

"Get out." I growl, "He was a better kisser than you."

"Ugh, this is just gross." Natasha complained, and got up, "Have fun working this out." She winked at me and closed the door, leaving Clint and I inside.

"Fuck." I complained, and ran a hand through my mess that I called hair.

"Okay, well this is awkward." Clint agreed.

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