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Chapter 31: Are We Dating?

❝That's because there is something going on.❞


The weekend rolled around, and memories of my date with Clint floated around in my head. Clint took me to a cute restaurant where we ate outside under the stars and it was perfect. Who knew the expert bowman was a romantic? And yes, Clint had asked me to be his girlfriend and I had said yes. Now I was mentally preparing myself to tell the team about Clint and I. I had been nervous all week because I was sure that someone would be mad, but that wasn't really the case.

All the Avengers were sitting in a common area together when I walked in the room. Natasha was peering at some wine bottles, Thor was inspecting his hammer, Tony was drinking out of a glass, Bruce was reading something, Steve was just sitting on the sofa and Clint was next to him. They all looked up at me quickly before turning back to what they had been previously doing which was pretty much absolutely nothing. I cleared my throat and they all looked back at me, "Hey um I have something to say." When everyone had their attention focused on me, I continued, "So, I've kind of been a mess the past week or so which I'm sure some of you have noticed and I am sorry about that. But there is something more important that I have to tell you. You might have noticed that Clint and I have been a little on edge and that's because-"

I pause and look over at Clint who nods in encouragement and I continue, "That's because there is something going on. But it isn't bad, it's good. Yeah, we fight all the time and that will probably keep happening because we're human but I think it's safe to say that this is going somewhere."

"Wait. So, you're dating?" Bruce gestures at us.

I look at Clint and smile before nodding, "Yeah, basically."

"Omigod. I knew it!" Natasha grins and comes over to me before staring at Tony, "You owe me forty bucks."

Tony sighs and hands her a wad of bills, a lot of which look like ones but I wasn't going to say anything.

"Really, Nat?" Clint asks before pulling me down on the couch beside him and wrapping an arm around my waist. I roll my eyes at him.

"Yeah, he thought you'd get together in like a year. I guessed by the end of the month." Natasha shrugs as Tony glares at her.

"You better treat her right Barton." Tony told Clint.

"Or you'll hurt me. Got it." Clint laughed.

"No. I'm pretty sure she's capable of enacting her own revenge." Tony winked at me.

I laughed, "Hear that Barton?"

"I hear you." Clint responded and I curled into his side while he kissed the top of my head. I think I could get used to this.

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Hey guys! I am back and with a super super super short chapter and I apologize but this story is coming to a close. There is legit ONE MORE CHAPTER!! I am screeching! 

I have finished writing the whole thing and I will get it up within the week. :) 

Love you all so much!

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