[22] Boring

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Song for Chapter 22

"Angels will Rise"

by Twisted Jukebox

Chapter 22: Boring

❝To save the world is the simplest thing in the world...❞


It seemed like a good idea at the time but as I plummeted from the window I began to regret my decision. I wasn't sure if I could roll once I made it to the ground. I bit my lip in concentration and raised my arms above my head ready to catch myself when I fell. Luckily, that didn't happen because someone swooped under me and flew off.

Against my better judgement I stayed still and wiggled around to see who it was, sighing in relief when I realized it was Tony Stark.

"Tony. You nearly gave me a heart attack." I roll my eyes.

"We wouldn't want that now would we." I could feel Tony's smirk.

"Stark!" I scolded, "No flirting."

"As you wish, Miss Romanoff." Tony replied.

I rolled my eyes again. Typical. He just couldn't resist flirting with any girl.

We near the ground and he drops me about ten feet below the ground as I roll and stand up, sending him a thumbs up as he flies off.

Brushing myself off, I look around and begin to run, trying to find my sister. My bow was with her and I couldn't very well do anything but freeze enemies and that didn't always work out so well. Ask Loki. As if I knew, my eyes strayed up to the sky where a ginormous portal ripped open in the sky and the chitauri army came flying out. I rubbed my fingers into my temples and then turned on my earpiece.

"Barton!" I screamed, "Are you seeing this?"

"Omigod, Anya. Where the hell have you been? I've been trying to reach you." Clint's worried voice sounded through my earpiece.

"Oh, Barton's been worried about me has he?" I smirked forgetting my surroundings for a minute, "And since when are we on first name business?"

"Are you flirting with me?" Clint sounded beyond shocked and I could hear a snort in the background.

My face turned beet red, "I am not flirting. And shut up Tasha."

"Where are you?" Clint asked.

"No bloody idea. I don't come to New York that often." I laughed.

"Helpful. Real helpful. Hang on." Clint's voice crackled and then was gone.

I sighed as I saw Tony zoom up to the army that was pooring out of the portal. He fired at some of the people but it was of no use. Thousands more flew out and I saw Tony zoom back towards the city.

I watched as people began flooding out onto the streets as the chitauri started blasting things. God, what action movie am I living in? I started running as fast as I could and the Stark Tower began to zoom into view which made me question where Tony had dropped me off earlier, I mean I had jumped out of the Stark Tower.

I saw Loki walk onto the balcony and Thor landed on the tower and they turned towards each other. Oh lovely a sibling quarrel is about to start. I frowned and looked around me as cops and soldiers began to take positions on the streets. I shook my head, if Iron Man couldn't defeat some chitauri, then some regular cops and soldiers sure couldn't.

Looking up again, I notice that Tony is leading a trail of chitauri toward the Stark Tower, "Oh what the hell is he doing now?"

At last I spot the quinjet coming into the city and I sigh with relief as my earpiece crackles to life and Natasha's voice rings out but she isn't talking to me, "Stark, we're heading north east."

"What did you stop for? Drive thru?" Tony jokes, "Swing up PARK, I'm gonna lay 'em out for you." 

Tony flies up and brings some chitauri in view of the quinjet. I cross my arms feeling totally useless as I take a seat on a pile of rubble watching my sister fire at the chitauri with a machine gun.

I see Clint and my sister firing at the chitauri when all of a sudden the quinjet catches on fire. I smirk to myself. How will they get out of this one?

The quinjet spins and spins, slowly and then drops down before slamming down onto the street. I cross one leg over the other as if this was just an action movie I was watching on a flat screen TV.

Clint, Natasha and Steve run out of the quinjet with their weapons in their hands and I see Clint holding my bow. Natasha shields her eyes and looks around wildely as if she lost something. Clearing my throat does the trick. All three of them swivel their heads towards me and their eyes widen.

" Took you all long enough." I smirk at them before uncrossing my legs and standing up, "Barton. My bow please."

Almost unwillingly, Clint holds out my bow for me and I snatch it before taking my quiver as well and fastening it on my back. We both stare at each other for a beat too long before we make our way down the street. 



Yay! A new chapter finally. Wow this book has been on hold for too long. Anyways, I am planning on finishing this book by the end of February and I think I can do it as I have around six chapters left. More or less.  I will sincerely miss this story though...But yes there is going to be a sequel. I just won't write it right away. I'm going to try to get to maybe 11K Reads before I do. We'll see. 

Please comment down below on what you thought of this way too short chapter and make sure to hit that little star. Please recommend this story to your friends and nominate me in the Fanfiction Awards! I love you all so much and I shall see you all soon.

[Yes, me as a youtuber! I can see it]

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