[16] Fighting Barton

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Chapter 16 Fighting Barton

"Do you think he'll kill us?" I ask my sister.

"Obviously he'll try to. But I think he'll be more focused on you then me." Natasha smirks.

"Why do you say that?" I smirk back.

"You guys happen to have a pretty nasty past. I don't think he'll ever forgive you." Natasha says.

"I'm counting on it." I smirk as we run.

My sister was right. We did have a rough and nasty past. I had tried to kill Barton for being sent to kill my sister and had almost succeeded. If I hadn't been shot by someone else. And I don't think we could be within a 100 mile radius of each other without tracking the other one down. You could say we weren't the best of pals. And I doubt he's changed.

We hurry downstairs and then pause for a minute as we see Barton walking along the catwalk, calmly but then suddenly he nocks an arrow in his bow and points it at both of us. Natasha and I both creep out, like cats and then suddenly do identical somersaults and kick Barton back. Natasha gives me a nod indicating for me to rid him of his bow while she keeps his attention busy.

I crawl my way around Barton as he attempts to locate my position but luckily my sister is keeping him busy.

I flip him over and successfully knock the bow out of his hands. I kick it out of the way right before he pulls out a knife. I give my sister a look. Natasha simply kicks him in the face before he takes a swing at her.

I grab his arm mid-air before twisting it. Barton writhes in pain and I realize I have a small smile on my face. I have to say I'm enjoying this. Does that make me a bad person?

I don't have time to puzzle on it before Barton tosses the knife to his other hand and begins to slash at Natasha. She luckily dodges every move, but finds herself in a lock hold with him. I pull his arm back behind his back and he drops the knife letting Natasha out of his grip.

Natasha wraps her legs around his neck, flips him over and slams his head into a pipes rail.

He looks up at both of us as if coming to his real senses, "Natasha....Anastasia??"

Natasha and I both slam him into the ground successfully knocking him out.

Natasha smiles at me, "Did I see you smiling during this?"

"Yeah. Sorry 'bout that. Let's hope he doesn't remember." I say, wiping my hands on my hips.

Two updates in one day! I'm so proud of myself! :) 

So, what did you think? You got a bit of Anya's past, did you catch it? 

Sorry this chapter was so short. I wanted to finish it and not have too much information and all. 

No sneak peak! 



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