Terms- Mike Schmidt x fem!Y/N (spicy)

3 0 0

(I walk in a pizzeria and look around, I was the inspector for the restaurant today. I look around seeing and trash and molding pizza around the floor)

Me:  wow, this place was supposed to be in tip top shape ( I say to myself looking around for the security office)
When I go to the security door I see a man sleeping on duty. I gently nudge him to wake him up, he wakes up abruptly
Mike: and who might u be ( he says trying to act cool as if he wasn't sleeping)
Me: I'm the inspector for today( I say looking around the office noticing the lotion and tissues scattered around the office)
Me: and from what I can see Freddy's isn't opening for a long time
Mike: what can I do for u to not report all the things you've seen here ( he says getting up from his chair, looking me deeply in the eyes and playing with the bottom of my dress gently)
Me: (I move his hand away not phased by his attempts) I'm sorry but I have to report this place, it's a mess
Mike: but miss inspector lady( he says grabbing my waist) wouldn't u love to spend the night with me instead ( he say play fully)
Me: (I look away trying to keep it cool) that would be unprofessional and, and ( I think of how I haven't felt this alive in a while)
Mike: and? ( he's says seductively getting a condom from his pocket, and waving it in my face slowly) I'm sure u want a little action.

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