Chapter 7 First flight

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Working on a costume wasn't as easy as I thought it would be. So many lines and seams to sew together. The metal parts weren't so bad but I had trouble deciding what the mask should look like. Hell, I didn't have a clue as to what my superhero theme was, and I didn't even have a name either. I guess I could think of something later but for now, I had to find out what I could do for real and prove that I'm not going crazy. I had all sorts of ideas for gadgets to integrate into my super suit; it was probably too early to call it that, but It made working on this little project seem so much cooler. Even if it ended up looking lame 

My Dad and I loved superheroes. I remember finding his comic books as a kid and being so engrossed in what was happening on each page. As cool as modern animated books are, there's nothing quite like holding a physical comic in your hands, the smell and texture is unlike anything else. I've been reading through several comics in my Dad's collection to get some inspiration. I wasn't a big animal person so nothing animal-themed, no bugs either; sorry Spider-Man. I was still wondering how I was able to do those things. First I was able to see into the internet through my holo-tool, and then I was able to magnetize the lunch tray to my hands. Well, actually the first time I used my powers was back at the hospital when...

My hand stuck to Mom's old sewing machine, my hand was magnetized to it. How did I do that?  "Whoa, great, how do I get my hand off?"  I said, trying to pull my hand off the sewing machine. I wanted to be careful not to break it since it was very nice and expensive, also it was Moms. All I felt and could think about was that this old thing was too slow and imprecise to do what I needed it to. A faint green glow emanated from the sewing machine, its components each came apart, somehow floating in the air, combining with other parts in Dad's workspace. I could barely describe the experience. It was like I could feel myself come apart and then reassemble into something new, something better. I finally came out of it and saw the new, improved sewing machine before me. It was a sleek silver with green with lines of green light coursing through it.  "Oh shit, Mom is going to kill me."

- "Emma, what was that sound? Are you working on something in there?" I heard Mom ask me from outside the door. Oh crap! - "Yes Mom, I'm just working on a project. Everything is fine!" I yelled back. Trying to tidy everything in the room. - "You're making a lot of noise in there. What are you working on? Is it something interesting?" She asked, inquisitively.

"Okay, well there's something I'd like to talk to you about. It sounds like you're pretty busy, but after you're done. Would you come downstairs please?"  She said, her voice became noticeably quieter. - "Will do, I'll be down in 20 minutes, okay?"  I said back. She didn't respond. I guess she went back downstairs. I took a moment to take a breath and compose myself. What was I doing? I was using my mom's old sewing machine to make a crappy costume, and for what? I'm no hero, even if I have something akin to superpowers, I don't really even like other people all that much, especially enough to help them. I should clean up more and put it away. I don't know how I'm going to explain this to her.

After getting done with the costume and cleaning up, I went downstairs. Mom was sitting at the table with viola. Both of them looked somber like they barely had any energy. "What did you want to talk about?"  I asked Mom. - "Well...I wanted to ask you girls if you wanted to go to the morgue with me so you can see your father one last time before the funeral."  She said straight-faced. I wasn't sure how to respond to that. God, what I wouldn't give to see him again, but it would feel so empty without his corny jokes.

-"I...I don't know, that seems a little macabre. Has Viola agreed to go?"  I asked. My sister looked at me and then Mom. - "I'll go if Emma does."  She said, which surprised me. She rarely wanted to go anywhere with me. I wanted to see Dad, at least one more time. - "I'll go. I know it'll hurt, but I never got to say goodbye properly."  I answered her. Mom let out a relieved sigh, she looked slightly less nervous. - "And here I thought I'd be going alone. If that's both your decisions then I'll go make the appointment."  Mom said. She stood up and walked over to Viola, hugging her lovingly. I hesitated to join them, my head felt like a mess, and I needed to rest and think. - "I'm gonna go have a nap...I'll be down later."  I said to them and then walked upstairs. When I was out of sight, I held my hand over my eyes, trying but failing not to cry. I sat down at the top step and huddled there for a while.

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