Chapter 11 Concerning Developments

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The mood of Gothca had changed. Over the months It had gone from a tentative unease due to recent events and the unsteady tensions between Veridion and the Alliance. While Crighton didn't want his people to live in fear, it would be the only way he could convince his people to break away from the alliance's ever-increasing galactic influence and soft tyrannical grip. While the exploits of this up-and-coming hero had brought a sense of awe and security to the people of Gothca, it was of great concern to Crighton who feared that whoever this young woman was could upset the balance of power in his precious emerald metropolis. 

But for the time being, he would let it be to see how it would play out. Perhaps the identity of this mysterious vigilante would be revealed. Still, that name. Where could she have learned of it? Perhaps she was the one to whom Aiden leaked classified documents to. Time would only tell. He found it troublesome that whoever she was, possessed great power over not only magnetism but with technology as well. This was not something VERIDI's were designed to do. This would either mean that she wore a suit that granted her these nearly magical abilities or she was some kind of mutant who's been born with them. Either way, she may prove herself to be a threat in the future, and he would need to think of some way of dealing with her when the time came.

Aidens death weighed on him heavily at the time and even now. He considered Aiden to be a valuable employee and even at times someone who; if he had taken another path in life. A friend. But as much as Soren admired Aiden's intellectual curiosity and sheer ingenuity, it proved to be his undoing when he discovered what the purpose of his work would be used for. 

"Dammit Aiden, you poor damned fool. You were a genius unlike any in your field, yet you had to be equal in emotional capacity as you were in intellect."  Crighten lamented as he took a sip of whiskey from a commemorative glass he had shared with Aiden years back. Even though tensions had become high between them for the past five years, he never wanted anything untoward to happen to Aiden. While what happened to both of his daughters was unfortunate, especially his oldest daughter, Emma. He never meant for them to come to serious harm. That would be the last time he would hire mercenaries from Pangaea. While that world had cybernetics on par with Veridians, their work ethic proved far too psychopathic for his liking. They had been duly punished for their failure, quite harshly.

His thoughts then lingered on the previous incident earlier that day. "Lectro has been a useful asset in the past. While he was an unstable, directionless wild dog. He could be steered in the right direction to deal with threats outside the police's capabilities with the proper incentives, that being the thrill he'd get from committing violent crimes and robbery. He had proven capable of dispatching most heroes he fought in the past without much issue. But this now-named hero Veridi has proven to be a bump in the road to my goals." Crighton ruminated on this conundrum over the night before falling asleep. He'd need the rest for when he would attend Aiden's funeral and to finish Aidens eulogy, he deserved that much at least. The irony was not lost on him.  

The morning sun came bright and early. The snow was gone. Spring was here. Crighton brought his freshly made breakfast and hot coffee over to his desk where he was putting the final touches on his eulogy for Aiden's funeral. He did not want it to sound too kitschy or too formal as he would give any other kind of speech. Crighton wanted to mention all the many great creations Aiden had invented over the years for CyberCore and how they had helped millions of people recover better and stronger from whatever had hurt them. He also wanted to make a point that no matter who is lost, everyone could do their part to make their world a better place if they did their part. It wouldn't be an easy thing to say without coming off as preachy, but he would try.

It took several of the longest hours of his life but it was finished. Crighton always thought of himself as somewhat of a wordsmith who could write a speech for any occasion. Everything from addressing the people during the holidays to rallying them for war. As he was about to get up and go for lunch with an associate, he was then notified of something urgent. A voice message from his wife. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20 ⏰

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