Chapter 8 Breaking the Mold

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Holy crap that was such a rush! I almost couldn't believe I did that

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Holy crap that was such a rush! I almost couldn't believe I did that. I actually helped someone and fought two criminals. I haven't felt a rush this strong in forever. Oh right, I left my stuff on the roof. I went back up to collect my stuff. Bud-E was looking down and then turned to face me. "Hey Bud-E, did you catch the fight?" I crouched down and petted him on his little camera head. I would have to look at the footage he got later. I put on my hoodie and packed him into my backpack. I also took my mask off. I climbed down the ladder and took off.

I checked my holo-tool and saw it was almost 11:20. "Oh crap, it's almost midnight. I'm going to be late." I ran as fast as I could back to the bus stop, hopefully, I'll make it before it drives off. I could feel my lungs start burning the more I ran, carrying my backpack with a heavy robot was maybe not the best idea I've ever had. "Ugh, my cardio fricken sucks." I panted. When I arrived at the bus stop, it had already closed its doors and begun driving off. "No!" I said in disbelief. I had to think of something fast or else I wouldn't be home till morning. I had to think of something crazy, fast.

I held out my hands and used my powers, Instead of pulling the bus to me, I'd reverse the polarity and pull myself to the bus. At least that's the idea. My feet started getting dragged across the asphalt, I could feel my arms being pulled. "Whoa, whoa easy now," I sputtered out as I was getting pulled faster and faster forward. I was only a meter away from the bus now, skating down the street like in an action movie. I gave one more pull and was suddenly launched onto the back of the bus. "Holy crap! That was crazy. I guess I'm stowing a ride then." I said. I then laid down on top of the bus, feeling the cool breeze of the early spring air blowing against me.

I nearly passed out on the ride back home, the screeching of the bus being what woke me up. I jolted up and saw I was at my stop. I lifted my backpack into the air and lowered it to the ground. I then jumped down from the bus, stumbling a little as I landed. I really needed to get in shape. I then ran the rest of the way home. It was past midnight now, but only by a little. I was expecting to get chewed out by Mom as soon as I opened the door.

I waved my hand holo-tool over the lock sensor and then opened the door. I peeked my head through, not seeing anyone inside. I silently closed the door and took my shoes off, tip-toeing around the house. I found it strange that Mom wasn't chewing me out right from the kitchen or living room now. I searched the kitchen first; the lights were all off, it was dead silent. I stepped into the pitch-black living room, searching for anyone. I heard soft breathing next to me. I looked down and saw my Mom passed out on the couch. She had nothing to cover her, so I went to the hall closet and brought a blanket over. I carefully put the blanket over her and left her alone.

I went into my room and closed the door behind me. "Holy crap. I can't believe that actually happened, there's no way." I said to myself, pacing around my room. I put my things down and looked in the mirror. That thug tore my shirt under my jacket, but at least nothing else looked damaged. My costume did look pretty amateurish, it wasn't intimidating at all and made me look like I was a club girl more than anything. I needed to make some improvements and design some gadgets. All things that take time and possibly money. Tonight was exhausting yet it felt so...right. I needed sleep.

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