Part 21

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B stayed by Kira side until she woke up, he didn't hug or kiss her, didn't do any of that type of shit. He just did the basic stuff such as help her clean and eat. It's been 3 weeks since the incident, she wanted to ask him what's happened Malek and Alex. But didn't, she didn't want him so slap her.

And he would if she asked him. He knew what she wanted to ask him. But in his mind it was fuck them boys. They were dead and gone. Was non of her concern about a nigga that wasn't him.

He placed some soup in front of her. He blowed on it and slowly fed her. They both set in silence. An awkward silence.

B's mind was on his child. He kept his hand on her lower stomach. Kira mind was on her family and friends. She wanted to push his hand away from her or to run away.  He lifts the spoon up to her mouth, waiting for her to eat.

She slightly pushed his hand away. "No,"

"Bitch stop playing with me before I slap yo ass, eat this fucking food." He threatened her.

She shook her head no, she began to shake in fear. She balled her hands up into fist.

"What did you do to the-" before she could finish her sentence. He back handed her. Before she could hit the ground he grabbed her by her arm.

"Huh! You know goddamn well not to ask me that shit! Stay in your fucking place G," he gritted in her ear.

"Let me go B, I want to go home." She screamed pushing away from his.

"This fucking girl" he thought as he watched her try to fight out his grip. He gripped her harder. She screamed in pain. He was definitely leaving a bruise on her arm.

He pulled her up the stairs. He listened at her pleas but ignored them. He tried to keep his hands off her, he tried to make shit go smoothly. But she clearly didn't want it that way. Now he had to go back to is old ways.

Why couldn't she just understand he was trying to protect he- his child!

He just wanted to protect his property

"B, please don't hurt me," she choked out. She was shaking in terror as he pushed her into the bed room and on the bed.

She backed far away from him, she hid under the covers. He began to take off his clothes.



B watched as Kira rocked back and forth in a corner, she tightened the cover around her body. He mugged her.

"Fuck is you acting like that for? I made sure not to hurt you. You needed some dick anyway." He rolled his eyes.

She didn't respond, why would she. So he can hit and rape her again.

"I said what the fuck is wrong with you? How am I suppose to know what's wrong with you if you won't talk, ugly ass gurl" he mumbled the last part

"  what do with them? Did you hurt them?" She asked him

B stayed silent. "Yeah I did, I killed them,"

He was always going to be honest with her when it came to things like this. She covered her mouth and cried quietly. This was all her fault. First she gets her best friends killed, now she got their bothers killed! She felt worthless. Horrible. She continued to cry harder.

That's when he lost his shit, how dare she cry when he was protecting her ass. Is this the thanks he get?!

"How fucking dare you sit there and cry!" He yelled at her. He pulled her by her ankle towards him. She was know under him. Her heart raced as she hid behind her hands. He was going to do it again.

"Move yo fucking hands so you can look me in my face G, and take this fucking cover off, it's hot as fuck." He snapped

He only had on his boxers while Kira was butt naked. Her eyes widen as he pulled the cover off of her soar naked body. She quickly covered her parts. Her cheeks heated in embarrassment. He held her arms above her head. The warm air slapped her body, making her nipples go hard. She hated the position he had her in. She was exposed to the T, he analyzed her body. He hated to admit it, but her body was the most beautiful thing he'd ever seen. How could he resisted. He watched as her titties perked up.

That's what he loved about them, and they were still growing, he took his eyes off the prize and stared into her eyes.

"Them niggas took you away from me, they could have fucking hurt you! You don't give a damn do you? Why!"

"Because you killed my friends, they wanted they're sisters back B! You killed them and Now I'm getting punished because of it. How could you B! Why did you have to do it! WHY! THEY WERE MY ONLY FRIENDS! MY FAMILY! I HAVE NOBODY AND YOU DON'T CARE. I WANT YOU TO LEAVE ME ALONE! GET OFF OF ME! LET ME GO!"

B stared at her, he gave her a blank expression. That just made her even More angry, he didn't give a fuck about her feelings.

" is that what you think." He replied

"What do you mean if that's what I think? You killed my friends. How could I forgive you," she said.

He let go of her and stood up from the bed.

"Go take a shower and get dress. And hurry up"

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