Part 23

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Kira laid in the bed. She looked at her friends. They were sleeping next to her. She faught back tears.

She was so happy they were here with her. But so saddened they were here with her.

This was all her fault. Why didn't B just let them go? Was this another torture method?

She was interrupted by her stomach growling. She was hungry but scared to go downstairs. If she was hungry then she knew her girls wanted to eat something too.  She slowly stood up from the bed.

She creeped down the stairs, trying not to make any noise. She didn't hear anything. She stepped off the last stair. She turned the right corner. The house was so big she didn't know where the kitchen was.

"Fuck is you doing gurl," she heard B voice. She jumped at the sound of his voice.

She turned to see him and his friends starring at her. B eyes were low. She could tell he was high.

"I was looking for the kitchen, um- I was hungry" she told him.

"You bout to whip up sum for us?" Sha asked

Kira frowned at the man, no she was cooking for her and her friends. The three man burst out laughing. Kira face twisted up.

"Come here, let me show you where the kitchen is." B says getting up from his seat. He grabbed Kira's hand and led her to the kitchen.

"Thank you," she mumbled. He leaned back against the wall watching her cook. She made some fried chicken and spaghetti.

He watched her whip the big pan of spaghetti. One thing he loved was her cooking. He walked up behind her wrapping his arms around her waist

Kira body stiffened as she felt his manhood brush up against her lower buttocks. She breath heavily.

"Please b, I don't want to do this right now. I'm cooking and your friends are in the front room." She stuttered.

He kissed her on her neck while gripping her breast tightly. Kira yelped in pain. He breast were very soar.

"Fuck wrong with you gurl," he mumbled. She turned to him with tears in her eyes.

"B I don't want to do this right now. Please, we can do this another time." She whispered. Tears threatened to drip from her eyes.

"Kiss me then I'll stop," he whispered in her ear.

She turned to him, pecking him in the lips. She turned back to the food and continued cooking,

B mugged her, "you know damn well ion want that pussy ass kiss, stop playing with me and let me suck on yo tongue for I get violent in this bitch" he squeezed her side tights

Kira was now Frustrated. She just wanted him to leave her alone. She place the wooden spoon down. She turned her attention back to him and kissed him deeply.

She slide her tongue into his mouth. B moaned, his dick was hard and she wasn't making it no better. He Fought for dominance over her mouth. Which he ended up taking.

"Damn where the fuck the food at G- oh" Doe said walking into the kitchen. Watching the too,

Kira pushed B off of her. She was embarrassed that his friend seen such foolery, she was disgusted with B but mostly herself.

Kira quickly made her and the girls plate then left. She didn't stay down there much longer or B would've tried something else.

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