percy jackson idea!!!

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So its a reaction to a read a book but it's not the series it's called


For young apollo children who are new to the infirmary duty with the healing touch, there are a few people you should expect to see in the infirmary quite often who can be a bit difficult to handle.

Here is a profile on how to handle them with a chapter on each person.

The order will go in from least difficult to just let me fucking heal you to maximum i will hit you with a frying pan and tie you down difficult.


daughter of athena
Head councilor of cabin 6
Very stubborn
Can be scary
Will try to judo flip medics
Will try to keep fighting even after serious injury.

Annabeth is incredibly smart and will have most likely already done some form of first aid if she's able which makes my life easier, she doesn't always speak in common phrases though so you may have to ask her to explain what she means as it often sounds like she's swallowed a text book.

She can be reasoned with but most likely won't like being told to rest and you will need to keep an eye on her. If you value your life you will keep her in the infirmary unless you want to face an angry son of poesidon.

With annabeth it's best to tell her straight what's going on, she doesn't have a preferred medic and will try to be polite.

Her inability to stay out of the fighting even after being injured is half of what makes her difficult and the other parts are her tendency to judo flip people or punch out when startled or upset and then there's the fact that her fatal flaw is hubris and she takes pride in knowing more than you and some of the infirmary staff find it annoying.

Other than this, she's not that difficult to deal with.

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