merlins daughter

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So, a carry-on from the last merlin chapter.

Merlin has a daughter with adaline.

Adaline was injured before giving birth too early, and it was her life or the baby's, so adaline made the choice to use the spell she'd learnt behind merlins' back, life, and death spell. Her life for her daughter to live.

Merlin grieves and refuses to meet his daughter. He runs away into the forest for a few days, leaving Arthur to take care of the baby.

(Gwen is still breastfeeding their youngest prince, aron, who is two, so she's able to feed merlins' daughter.

After a few days getting his thoughts together, merlin comes back to the castle, unaware a dark shade follows him.

Arthur greets him. It starts off as a yelling match. "Where the hell have you been!?" Arthur snaps, the grief for adaline and worry for hos friend turning to anger.

"I'm sorry, I needed to clear my head," merlin replied coldly he tried to leave, but Arthur scoffed. "You needed to clear your head?" He sneered."What about your child! She needed you, and you were off gallivanting the forest!"

"I just lost my wife!" Merlin snarled, he eyes flaring gold and the fire beside Arthur rose. "Forgive me if I'm not fit to be a father right now!"

Arthurs gaze softened as he realised he had crossed a line, "I'm sorry, merlin."

merlin mourns the loss of adaline whilst worrying about being a father. He tells Arthur, "I don't know if I can do this."

Arthur makes merlin look at him as he says, "I've never met a challenge you can't face, I know you can do this."

"I don't..." merlin choked on a sob, and Arthur pulled him in for a hug and let merlin cry.

When merlin has settled, Arthur asks if he would like to meet his daughter.

Merlin is nervous and unsure. Arthur acts as his rock and gives him a reassuring smile.

Merlin walks into the room and finds gwen holding baby.


Merlin becomes quite protective of his daughter, who is named kestrel, the name adaline wanted as she said it fit and she'd had a feeling their daughter would take after her father.

Kestrel did in deed take after merlin, she got into squabbles with the Prince, was adored by most of the castle because of her kindness and sense of humour.

She played pranks, practised magic, and often wandered off (much to merlins anxiety).

She had dark hair, bright blue eyes, and small in height and slight like a bird.

She often got into trouble for her wandering, but her father was never far away.

After a while, Arthur tells merlin he needs to discipline his daughter as she is getting out of control.

Always starting fights with the prince, causing trouble and finding it. She was going to get hurt if she wasn't taught a lesson.

Merlin struggles to do it, and Arthur gets annoying and merlin snaps but not at Arthur, at kestrel.

Merlin is now guilty and worried as kestrel ran off and was no where to be found, so he lashes out at Arthur who let's merlin tire himself out and then asks if he's finished and talks to him to find out what happened.

"Think merlin, where would you go if you were small, scared, and upset?" Arthur told him.

Merlin smiles and heads to a secret hidden hide away, a hole in the wall hidden by a shield

He'd found his daughter now he just had to talk to her.

He explained that kestrel had rules for a reason, and from now on, he needed to enforce the rules with a publishment for any rule breaking.

Kestrel nodded, and merlin smiled before asking her what a fair punishment sounded like.

Together, the pair made a set of rules and punishments that fit the crime of breaking certain rules.


People learn it's not just merlin. You should fear if you mess with his family.

Kestrel is with the royal family amd her father on a picnic in the woods when bandits attack and try to steal princess ellianne only the princess of magic sees her father getting stabbed and unleashes a tornado throwing men and trees every which way.

Merlin is shocked at the display of power but goes to calm his daughter down. The group makes it back to the castle, a bit shaken but okay.

This causes kestrel to begin having night terrors that come to life. .mysterious phantoms begin entering merlin and kestrels Chambers in the middle of the night with weapons trying to hurt then and its giaus who tells merlin that after a raider tried to take him away when he was 5 winters old he too began to have night terrors that manifested into real illusions that terrified his mother.


Merlin suddenly gets sick, at first he thought it was just a cold but when kestrel also gets sick and more magical flock to the castle for help, it looks like something had poisoned every person with magic but how?

Merlin tried to investigate, but his sickness has gotten worse, and kestrel isn't doing so well.

He decides to speak to kilghara. He calls athusia to take him there, and kilghara tells him someone has poisoned the crystal cave. He would need to reach a certain island to fix it.

Merlin doesn't come back.

Arthur takes 10 years old kestrel as his ward and raises her in merlins absence. He's sad at the loss of his friend and worried he'll loose kestrel to the same tendencies her father had, self sacrificing nature, need to help people and wandering off only to save the day in the most dangerous way.

He restricts her magical learning in the hope that she wouldn't be able to do what merlin did.

It's hard on kestrel, and she is constantly having to keep control of excess magic, and it sometimes ends in arguments and accidental magic.

She's allowed to learn healing magic, and that was all.

For 6 years, this is life in camelot, kestrel is not allowed off of castle grounds, learning history, healing, and the normal lessons the Royal child do. Princess ellieann does not agree with her father that kestrel shouldn't learn magic as she sees the havoc keeping magic inside causes.

Kestrel is always arguing with Prince aron, and Prince aron is an asshole...

Ellie gifts kestrel one of her fathers magic book (His first one he got from gius) and she learns magic tricks in secret.

Kestrel begins to have dreams that show her father leaving for his quest, the sea, and an island.

She doesn't tell Arthur and after a few weeks of the same dream with a voice whispering find him, bring him home, kestrel tries to run away to find him only she gets caught by Arthur who goes mad at her.

The second time she tries, she's able to reach the boundary of the city where she runs into Prince aron, who is on his first boarder patrol.

He tries to stop her only to be dragged on this adventure with her.

Can they rescue merlin?
How will king Arthur react?
What do they face on their quest?

Also side plot princess elena is now a queen but she never married and kinda has a thing for merlin....

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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