Not funny

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Taeyong sometimes believed that there was not a single bad bone in any of his kids. He was quickly reminded that this was not the case at all and that none of his kids were perfect. In fact sometimes they even took pleasure in making fun of each other and playing jokes on the younger kids. 

"Why is Hendery crying?" Taeyong wondered, seeing the eight year old rush off to his room, sobbing quietly. 

"I don't know" Ten shrugged, trying to win in a game against Doyoung and Kun.

"Do you want us to ask?" Kun questioned, taking his attention off the game and giving Ten and Doyoung the chance to kill him. 

"Oh man" Kun huffed, putting his controller down and pretending to be upset. 

"No, Kun. That's okay, I'll talk to him" Taeyong went to Hendery's room and knocked on the door. 

"Go away!" Hendery cried. Taeyong opened the door, walking over to Hendery's bed and standing at the bottom.

"Is that any way to talk to your favorite adult?" Taeyong teased. Hendery sniffled and sat up.

"Your the only adult I know" Hendery climbed down, clinging to Taeyong. 

"What's the problem, Hen?" Taeyong pulled a desk chair over and sat down, positioning Hendery so that the kid was sitting comfortably in his lip. 

"Yuta-hyung was being mean" Hendery tattled.

"What was he saying?" Taeyong had talked with Yuta, and Johnny, about being nicer to their more sensitive brothers but he knew they hadn't listened. Twelve was a difficult age to be at. 

"He hid my basketball" Hendery admitted, realizing how ridiculous it sounded now. Taeyong understood. None of the boys were biologically his and they had some things that were theirs in previous homes. Hendery's basketball was one of those things, even though Hendery didn't play, that ball was special to him. It was like Doyoung's lamb or Jisung's tiger lamp. 

"I'll talk to him. He'll give it back, okay?" Taeyong kissed Hendery's head, leaving the kid alone and going to find Yuta. When he walked back into the living room, it became clear that something happened while he was gone. Kun had been pretending to be upset at losing his game but it was quite obvious that he was no longer pretending and he was actually upset. There were tears gathering in his eyes that he was trying hard to push back.

"Kun, why are you crying?" Taeyong wondered. 

"It's none of your business!" Kun snapped, throwing the pillow he had in his lap onto the couch and stomping off, slamming the door to his room.

"Uh oh" Ten watched his brother go. Taeyong was very strict about the boys throwing an attitude around. One thing that Taeyong disliked was slamming doors. 

"We didn't make him mad, did we?" Doyoung wasn't sure. He didn't think that him or Ten had done anything but if they had, he wanted to know.

"I don't think so. Did you see what happened? When his attitude changed?" Taeyong questioned.

"Not sure. We went to the kitchen to get some snacks and when we came back, he was really quiet and sulking. I did see Johnny-hyung come through here though" Ten remembered. Taeyong nodded, it made sense now, and he went to find Johnny and hopefully Yuta too.

"What did you say to Kun?" Taeyong demanded to know. Johnny didn't answer for a moment and looked at Yuta instead. 

"What do you mean?" Johnny hoped that playing dumb would keep him from getting in trouble. 

"I mean, did you not hear that door slam? That was Kun. After you came through the living room, he got annoyed. Did you say something to him?" Taeyong repeated. Johnny looked again at Yuta, nervous.

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