Chapter Two

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As Izuku turned, his hand reached down to the gun in his pocket. He knew it would be useless if whatever was behind him was too close but feeling the cool metal against his hand helped him feel a little less vulnerable. 

When he had completely turned around, the flashlight beam illuminated a figure, a human. 

Ayaka grinned up at him, squinting her eyes at the sudden brightness, "hi."

She wore a backpack that looked like it had been packed in a hurry, one of the zippers was broken and the backpack was covered in stains. 

Scowling, Deku reached out and grabbed her arm, pulling her next to him, "Jesus Ayaka, you almost gave me a heart attack. Why are you even here, it's way too dangerous."

"I want to help Ochako too," Ayaka declared, her face determined, "I'm not going back home."

The two glared at each other for a moment before Midoriya sighed, "fine, but stay by me please." 

Ayaka nodded, her grin broadening, and the two continued walking in silence.

The convenience store was a small building sandwiched between larger shops. The windows were broken, shattered glass scattered across the greasy floors. The isles were in disarray, shelves that once held items toppled onto the floor, their contents missing. Garbage littered the floor and a leak was beginning to form in the roof. 

There had been a big rush to the stores once the apocalypse was announced, everyone taking anything and everything they could find. It hadn't mattered though, eventually most who weren't turned into zombies died of starvation as the food industries shut down and no more food was being delivered. Everything had quickly been taken over by the elements. 

The two made their way through the store, careful to avoid broken glass. In the back sat an old sink, the faucet dripping. Ayaka reached into her bag, pulling out an empty water bottle. She handed it to Izuku who took it, turning on the water so he could fill the bottle to the top. The water was a dirty light brown, specks of dirt floating to the top. 

They filled up two more bottles, and Izuku was beginning to cap the last water bottle when Ayaka screamed, her face pale and full of terror. Her eyes were fixed on something behind Izuku, her hand trembling as she pointed. Midoriya turned his head, and cursed when his eyes caught on a figure moving towards them, its bony, peeling hands stretched out as it inched closer to them. The zombie was followed by many more, zombies seeming to pour into the tiny shop. Izuku reached for his gun with one hand and forced Ayaka behind him with the other, shielding her from view. 

He aimed the gun at the closest zombie, shooting it right in the heart. It collapsed but Izuku didn't have enough time to check if the bullet had worked. The zombies kept advancing, Izuku shooting at as many as he could. After a minute, the bullets ran out and he heard Ayaka whimper behind him. 

"That was fun while it lasted," Izuku murmured, smiling dryly. 

The closest zombie swiped at him, cutting through his shirt with its sharp claws. Izuku could feel the sticky, warm blood oozing out of the cut, pain shooting through his body but he stayed standing, refusing to give up. 

Gun shots echoed through the store, followed by the sound of bodies hitting the floor. The zombie in front of Midoriya turned its head and the green haired boy used the distraction, clubbing the the zombie on the back of its head with the rifle. It stumbled, turning back towards him. Before Izuku could blink, the zombie fell forwards, a bullet hole in it's head. Ayaka and Izuku jumped away as the zombie crashed to the floor, inches from them. Curiously, the zombie didn't thrash or twitch, like they usually did when hit with one of Iidas darts, this one was completely still, color appearing on its face much quicker. Looking up, Midoriya noticed that all of the zombies were completely still, color already on their faces. 

The sound of footsteps brought Deku out of his thoughts. A group of five was approaching them, all human from the looks of them, guns in their hands. 

"Are you alright?" asked a feminine voice, "we heard screaming."

A woman pushed passed the other four in her group, making her way towards Ayaka and Izuku. She was a pretty woman, probably in her early twenties, with short pink hair and golden eyes. 

Nodding, Izuku smiled, "Yes, we're fine," he said, then, gesturing towards the fallen zombies, "Thank you for the help with them." 

"No problem, we were in the area," assured another person, a man with bright red hair.  

Ayaka tugged at Izukus shirt, "we're kind of on a time limit, Ochakos kinda injured, remember?" 

Cursing, Midoriya turned in a circle, locating the bottle he'd been filling up before the attack. He attempted to reach down to grab it but the blood rushed to his head and he collapsed, unconscious. 


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