Chapter Five

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"Katsuki," Mina singsonged, grabbing the blond's attention.

He pulled his eyes away from the green haired man and scowled at Mina, who ignored the look.

Ashido pushed the man towards Katsuki, her grin teasing, "Katsuki, this is Izuku, Izuku, you already know who this man is, don't you?"

Izuku's blush deepened, as he managed to stammer, "Y-yes, hi, it's," he cleared his throat, attempting to calm his racing heart, "lovely to meet you."

Katsuki smirked, "lovely to meet you as well."

The two stared at each other, neither wanting to break eye contact for even a moment.

"Are they flirting right now?" Ayaka asked Ashido in a failed attempt at a whisper.

"That is a great question," Mina mused, not even trying to whisper and Ayaka giggled.

Breaking away from his gaze, Katsuki glared at the two of them and Ayaka squeaked, quickly hiding behind Mina who frowned at Bakugo, "you better wipe that look off your face, you're scaring the child."

"Whatever," Katsuki scoffed, though his face morphed into a less terrifying expression. 

"Anyways," Ashido said, changing the subject, "what's the plan going forward? We have plenty of space for Izuku and his friends to stay here, plus it'd be the safest option, safety in numbers and all that. But, you're the boss so it's up to you."

"They can stay," he glanced at Izuku questioningly, "if they want."

Ayaka, who'd poked her head out from behind Mina nodded eagerly, "yes, yes!"

She turned towards Izuku, her eyes pleading, and with a sigh, he agreed, "we'll have to go back and collect our things first, but I don't mind staying here as long as you all are fine with it."

Mina clapped her hands together, "perfect, i'm sure we can find people who can help you guys move in!"

She thought for a moment, then began to murmur to herself, ticking off her fingers as she listed the names of people who could help, "I'm obviously going and if I go, Kirishima will probably come too, and Sero and Denki go wherever Kiri goes. And your friends will probably want to go as well. Maybe... one more, just to be safe? But who-"

"I'll go," Katsuki volunteered and Mina gaped at him, shocked that she didn't even need to beg, "someone has to keep you idiots from dragging our new guests into trouble."

"Mhm," Ashido said, her eyes narrowed suspiciously as she looked at Bakugo, seemingly trying to figure out why he had willingly volunteered but she gave up after a moment, "I'll go get the others, we should leave as soon as possible before it get's dark."

As the large group made their way back towards the place Izuku had called home for quite a while, there was plenty of chatter among them. 

Iida was trying to explain to Denki and Kirishima how the earpieces they, as in him, Uraraka, Izuku, Tsuyu, and Todoroki, all wore worked, though with little luck. Kaminari and Eijiro traded confused looks and Iida let out an exasperated groan before changing the subject.

The four girls, Uraraka, Tsuyu, Ayaka and Mina, had linked arms and seemed to be talking about a dozen things at once. Their giggles echoed through the streets as they walked.

Todoroki and Sero were quiet but kept glancing at each other when they thought the other wasn't looking. Izuku could've sworn he saw Todoroki blush but it was hard to tell in the dim lighting. 

Izuku walked next to Katsuki near the back of the group, quietly observing. He suspected that all the noise they were making could easily be heard by zombies, making them easy targets to find, though everyone else seemed oblivious and carefree. He felt as though he was being watched, causing his hair to stand on end and he glanced around nervously.

"What's the matter?" Katsuki murmured, noticing how the other suddenly stiffened.

Izuku gulped, "I think we're being followed."


Wow, I'm really good at writing really short chapters... Sorry abt that y'all but I am hoping to double post today so hopefully that'll make up for it...


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