Chapter Three

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Katsuki crouched on the rooftop, carefully aiming his rifle. His target continued to move, making his job much more difficult. When he'd finally analyzed the target enough, he timed the shot and pulled the trigger. The bullet caught the zombie in the shoulder, not quite where Katsuki had been aiming for. 

The zombie froze, toppling over with a thud that echoed through the abandoned streets. 

"Not bad," Katsuki murmured, turning to look at the others who had been watching him quietly, their faces full of astonishment. 

"You actually hit her!" Mina squealed, launching over to tackle the blond, who stiffened but didn't push away. 

"Wow bro, i'm impressed," Kirishima said, grinning.

Suppressing a grin to match the others, Katsuki shrugged, "of course I hit her, what made any of you think I couldn't?"

The others quickly attempted to reassure the blond that they hadn't doubt him for a second and he chuckled, "I was joking, chill out."

They seemed to relax, relief crossing their faces.

"We should start heading ba-" Kaminari began, but stopped when the sound of distressed screaming filled the quiet city.

"The hell was that?" Katsuki questioned, scanning the buildings, attempting to locate the source of the noise. 

He felt himself still when he noticed the large crowd of zombies slowly walking through the streets, all going the same way. 

Pointing to them, the blond frowned, "we should follow them, I bet they have something to do with the screaming."

The small group carefully and slowly followed the zombies through the streets, attempting to remain unnoticed, though it didn't seem to matter since the zombies appeared to be only focusing on making their way to a certain place. As they got further, Katsuki noticed the zombies piling into a store, one he recognized to be the previous convenience store.

"Why the hell are they going in there?" Denki asked, his voice a whisper. 

The sounds of gunshots reverberated through the small store, answering his question. There must have been people in there, though why this many zombies were piling into one place remained a mystery. 

Pushing through the zombies, the group made it into the store, each of their guns drawn. 

"There's so many of them," noted Mina, her voice filled with excitement instead of terror. 

"Let's thin their numbers down then," Kirishima said with yet another grin, aiming his gun into the crowd, not pointing at any of the zombies specifically. 

The five of them let loose a series of bullets, quickly shooting down as many zombies as they could until only 3 other people remained besides them, two humans and a zombie. 

A small green haired man with a face covered in freckles stood near the zombie, his face filled with determination but also a hint of fear. Katsuki could make out a small child behind him, tears falling down the young girls face. 

The zombie turned to look at them, it's teeth barred as it noticed it's dead comrades. The man took the moment of distraction and clubbed the zombie on the head, causing it to stumble. Katsuki aimed the riffle at the zombie as it turned back to the man, shooting it through the head. 

Mina rushed forward and the others followed.

Ashido spoke to the humans but Katsuki wasn't paying attention, tuning her out. The green-haired man had a slash mark in his shirt, revealing deep wounds with blood dripping out of them. The man seemed to be doing his best to hide the wounds, no indication of pain present on his face though Katsuki could imagine the cuts hurt like hell. 

The blonds train of thought broke when the man moved to grab something. His face paled and Katsuki saw his body suddenly go limp as he collapsed. 

Mina shrieked and the younger girl burst into tears. 

Crouching down, Katsuki pressed the back of his hand against the mans forehead, "his skin is freezing," he looked down to get a better look at the wounds, "we need to stop the bleeding before he bleeds out."

Bakugo picked up the man, who was way too light for it to be healthy and felt someone tap him. Looking down, Katsuki noticed the little girl, tears still streaming down her face.

"We, we have to g-get the-these bottles ba-back to our house," The girl's voice wavered and she took a deep breath before continuing, "my friend, s-she's hurt and needs the water or she could die."

Nodding, the blond looked at Mina and Kirishima, "go with the girl, we'll bring him back to base, i'm sure Hitoshi will know what to do to help." 


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