Chapter Four

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Izuku awoke to the blinding glare of overhead lights, his mind muddled, vision slightly blurry as his eyes adjusted. A man stood over him, a mask covering the bottom part of his face while the upper part showed tired eyes that were fixed on Izuku with an expression like he was trying to mentally dissect the poor boy. A mess of unkempt purple hair stuck up as if the man had never heard of using a brush. 

"Don't move," the man said, his voice deep and gravely, "I just have a few more things to check. Can't have you dying on us now," the man then muttered to himself, Izuku barely catching the words, "I hate having to clean up the bodies."

Izuku kept still while his mind slowly caught up, memories flooding back. He shot up, attempting to stand but the man pushed him down, with an unbelievable amount of strength, "I said keep still asshole, that means to not get up."

"My sister," Izuku blurted, "where is she? Is she ok?"

Rolling his eyes, the man continued to inspect Izuku.

Silence filled the room and just when he thought his question was going to remain unanswered, the man spoke, sounding very uninterested and slightly annoyed, "from what i've heard, she's fine. So is that friend that you two were getting water for. I'm not sure, nor do I care, where they're at."

Izuku let out a sigh of relief, his body relaxing, it was good news.

After a few minutes in which neither of them spoke, the silence was finally broken. 

"You can move now and you should be fine other than the soreness in your arms where I had to draw blood while you were unconscious and where the zombie clawed you," the man stated and then handed Izuku a small bottle full of clear pills, "take one of these once a day and come check in with me daily as well so I can help you change your bandages and ensure you don't get an infection." 

Nodding, Izuku stood, finally getting a good look at the room. It was large and looked like an infirmary, dozens of beds spaced apart by curtains that acted as dividers. All the beds were empty, no one else present in the room other than him and the weird doctor. A large set of double doors lay at the end of the room and Izuku made his way towards them, looking back to see the man had laid down on another bed, visibly fast asleep. 

Turning back towards the doors, he pushed them open to reveal a short hallway. Two people sat next to the door Izuku had just came from, startling when they noticed him. He recognized one of them as the woman who had saved him and Ayaka, and the other...

"Ayaka!" Izuku grinned, holding out his arms as Ayaka ran towards him, jumping into his arms.

Ayaka giggled, "you're awake!"

Setting her down, Izuku turned towards the woman, who was standing awkwardly off to the side, "I cannot thank you enough for saving us and for keeping her safe while I was unconscious." 

"Of course, it's what we do," the woman said with a kind smile, holding out a hand for Izuku to shake, "I'm Mina by the way, Mina Ashido."

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, and i'm assuming Ayaka already introduced herself?" Izuku asked, glancing at Ayaka who nodded, still grinning.

"If you'll just follow me, i'll lead you to the others, your friends have been worried," Mina said, walking down the hallway with a strange amount of grace while the other two hurried to keep up. 

Keeping pace beside her, Izuku and Mina engaged in light conversation, Ayaka chiming in every now and then but otherwise just listening. Mina explained how she and her boyfriend, Kirishima, had gone with Ayaka back to the house and helped Tsuyu and Shoto bring Ochako back here, where the doctor, who's name was apparently Hitoshi Shinso, had been able to heal her fully. 

"She was released a few hours ago, but you both had been out for several days, we all were very worried," Mina continued as they went down the staircase located at the end of the hallway, making their way down several stories before coming to a stop at one of the lowest levels of the building. 

Noticing Izuku's curiosity towards the building, Mina explained, "it used to be the old hotel, the hospital room you were just in was once a ballroom. This floor that we're on right now and the two floors above are where the rooms are at so we have plenty of space to go about our lives somewhat separately. We house a bunch of survivors, though our number have begun to dwindle as more and more people get turned." 

She led them down a hall of doors, the whole floor a maze of rooms. Eventually, she stopped at a door that looked identical to its neighbors, except for the number 108 engraved near the top, and knocked. 

The door swung open, revealing a large group of people. Shoto, Iida, Ochako, and Tsuyu were among them, the only familiar faces he could spot. 

A large bed was pushed against a wall, people sitting on it like a couch. The rest of the people were either standing or sitting on the floor. There was some light chatter but the moment the door opened, everyone seemed to fall quiet, looking at Izuku with expressions he couldn't quite read. 

"This is our meeting room," Mina informed, leading Izuku and Ayaka over to a man that Izuku quickly recognized as one of the people who had saved Ayaka and him. 

The man was tall and lean with blond spikey hair, a scowl etched into his features, his hands stuffed into his pockets. 

When the man turned to look at them, his gaze held a certain intensity that made Izuku weak in the knees. He felt a blush begin to creep up on his face, his heart hammering in his chest. This had to be the hottest man he had ever seen. 

As if noticing Izuku's reaction, Mina nudged him and when he glanced at her, she had a mischievous grin on her face, "that's Bakugo, our leader."


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