Chapter Six

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Wooo, we're back! I spiraled a bit after my last post so I had to take a break but I'm back with more content!



Katsukis hand reached towards his pocket, feeling the cool metal of his gun pressed against his palm. Using his other hand, he whistled, the chatter of the group dying down as they turned to look at him.

Putting a finger to his lips, Katsuki strained his ears, listening. Sure enough, there was a faint rustle in the nearby bushes. Izuku grabbed a stick, carefully poking at the bush until a gnarled, peeling hand reached out, plucking the stick out of his grip. Izuku jumped back as the hand attempted to swipe at him.

Katsuki cocked the gun, aiming at the bush right before the head of a zombie popped out, glaring at the group, its beady dark eyes narrowed.

"Point that gun somewhere else," it rasped and Todoroki snorted from behind the group.

"I think you should shoot it," Shoto commented, his face expressionless, though his eyes held a hint of manic glee.

The zombie flipped the man off, who stuck his tongue out in return. With a frown, the zombie disappeared back into the bush without another word.

"Now that that's dealt with, can we please keep moving, I'm bored," Shoto complained, ignoring the looks of confusion the rest of the group was giving him.

"What the fuck was that?" Katsuki snapped, gesturing between Shoto and the bush, currently hiding the mysterious zombie.

Todoroki shrugged, refusing to explain and instead choosing to turn back to the trail, walking towards their destination.

Katsuki looked expectantly at Izuku who shrugged, looking thoughtful, "I wasn't even aware zombies could communicate."

"They can't," Shoto called back, now a fair distance from the group, "that wasn't a zombie."

Katsuki felt his eye twitch, "then what the fuck was it?"

"My brother, Touya," Shoto replied, speaking as if that was obvious, "it's actually quite clever, dressing up as a zombie so other zombies, actual zombies, leave you alone."

"That actually makes sense," Izuku admitted, as he followed Todoroki.

The rest of the trip went by without much incident. The group had run-ins with a few zombies, though Katsuki took them out effortlessly, his mouth twisting into a sadistic smile every time he killed one.

When they made it to the house, Izuku went around quickly, placing items into bags. Most of the important stuff was gone, already back at the base but he was able to find a few things they had missed or that had been deemed unimportant enough to leave behind but we're still of sentimental value to Izuku.

It took less time than Izuku had thought to gather everything and soon they were on their way back to the base.


I almost didn't have the motivation to post today tbh... that's why it's so short and kinda doesn't make a whole lot of sense.

Anyways, hope y'all enjoyed! Hopefully next chapter will be better!


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 25 ⏰

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