IV. cereal

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HER FIRST NIGHT on the train was unbearable. She missed home more than anything, she missed the smell of the sea and the songbirds waiting for her in the morning, she missed her own bed, the one the capital provided her with just irked her in the wrong way. Along with the fact that she couldn't stop imagining the brutal ways she could be killed, a shudder ran down her spine as she could only hope for a quick, painless death though she knew the chances of that were more than unlikely.

She remembered the faces of her family, the smiles on little Willows face as Rose taught her how to fish. The way they were before their father's unfortunate passing, before Clover, before she was sent off to die. A warm tear dripped down her cheek that she wasn't even aware of. A sad smile spread across her lips as she thought of their voices, their laughs.

     "You have to win." Willow demands, her voice lowered to a whisper. "Please."

     The voice echoed through Roses mind as the thought of sleep disappeared from her head. She popped up, taking a deep breath as she heads out the door. The darkness of the train allowing Rose to imagine this was home, she was walking down the halls to get a glass of water in the middle of the night, Willow is sound asleep in her bed and her mom is sleeping on the couch. She imagined, the train now took on a more comforting aura, one that she could feel safe in. Though she knew she wasn't truly safe, she liked to imagine she was.

"What are you doing awake?" She hears the hushed voice of Connor right in front of her, she jumps back at the sudden unexpected sound and the light clicks on. Connor was sitting on the counter, a bowl of cereal in his hands as he spoke with his mouth half full.

"What are you doing awake?" Rose retorted, rubbing her eyes as the lights practically blinded her. Rose much preferred the dark, now the whole illusion of comfort has disappeared with the click of the light switch.

"What does it look like im doing?" The blonde boy answers, an expressionless look on his face as he looks down to his bowl of cereal.

Rose rolls her eyes and heads towards the table, pulling back a wooden chair and sitting down in it. She folds her arms across her chest as the two sit in silence, she wasn't quite sure what she was even out here for. At least she was, but she forgot about it after the lights came on.

     "So... I was thinking..." Connor trails off, Rose could tell by the way he was fidgeting with his fingers and how he shifted uncomfortably in his seat what he was about to say was going to be risky.

     "In the games, maybe... I know im not going to win but maybe I could help you. Like allies?" He continues nervously, Roses eyebrows scrunched. She felt conflicted, she hated how much she already cared for him. She hated how no matter what theres no way that boy will survive the arena, it was like looking at a corpse.

     "Yeah." Rose nodded before she could even think about what she was saying, guilt brewed in her stomach as she rethinks her words, she promised herself she wouldn't get attached. She also promised Willow she would make it home. Maybe Connor would be a bigger help then expected.

     A toothy grin spread across his face as Rose realized how much it meant to him. Maybe he could make his last days easier, maybe she could make sure his death wouldn't be for nothing. A small smile crept up on Roses lips as she scrunched her nose to try and hold it back.

"Great. Thank you." The boy nodded before scurrying back to his room, practically skipping away.

Rose laughs to herself, not even a day into training and she's already allied herself with a twelve year old. She wasn't sure if that decision would kill her or be the one that kept her alive, suddenly the idea of more allies didn't feel as foreign. Maybe she could find more people, everyone there wanted the same thing, to get home safely. Maybe if they helped each other, they could get one step forward to the crown.

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