XIV. rising waters

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     Rose and Connor sat together in the shadows of the rocky cave, shielded by the bushes and leaves. Rose could almost hear Zeldas squirms as she desperately tries to escape Crystals grasp. She could still hear Crystals taunting and the snakes slithering brushing against her ears, her entire body tensing as the memories surround her. She wanted to leave the cave, maybe that would help, but she couldn't bring herself to move.

     Neither of them knew Zelda long enough to feel truly crushed by her passing but just witnessing it was enough to drive Rose almost mad. She couldn't sleep, even though Connor told her she could, whenever she closed her eyes she saw the image of Zelda being engulfed by the multi-colored snakes plastered against her eyelids.

     Rose was sick of the games, she wanted to get Connor out of this arena as fast as possible. But she was dreading the moment she had to go in order for him to make it out safely, Rose could tell Connor was dreading the same thing.

"When you win, what would you do with the money?" Connor spoke up, staring into the rocks in deep thought. The question struck Rose as odd, when you win?

"When i win?" Rose questioned, a string of guilt weighing her down as her body tensed up. She knew she had people back home who needed her but after everything she went through in this arena, she could never imagine getting out. It just seemed like a faint idea rather than a possibility, she couldn't imagine leaving this arena without Connor. It was truly cruel what the men in power made them do, it was almost customary to grow alliances, it was like giving a child a toy and then ripping it away the moment they get attached.

"Yeah. What would you do with the money?" Connor repeated as if I didn't hear his question. Rose shifted uncomfortably as she leaned against the rocks, what would she do with the money? Even though Rose had hope she could get Connor out, she attempted to dream for just a second.

Rose knew what she would do. She would buy a boat and get as far away from Panem as she could. Rose knew it was possible, she grew up hearing stories of how her grandfather ran away, never to be seen again. She often dreamed of finding him somewhere in the woods and tell him everything Panem has come to. He would look simply horrified and would invite Rose to live with him in some cabin he built. But now she could never truly find him, now she was destined to die in this arena and only hope Connor wouldn't allow her name to be forgotten by the people of Four just as Clovers was.

"I don't know." Rose answered honestly, almost feeling like another weight had been dropped onto her shoulders even though it was a problem she knew she would never face.

"When you win, what would you do with the money?" Rose turns to him, awaiting an answer though Connor simply pulled a confused face.

"I won't win, i've accepted it." Connor brushes off the question though Rose only grew frustrated with his words. He will win. He has to.

"You don't know that." Rose argues, wishing he had more faith in himself.

     "Nobody my age has ever won the games, Ro. I want you to win, so please tell me you'll at least try." He responds calmly, so relaxed as if he had fully accepted his demise. Rose knew the only way for her plan to work is if he believed he could win, he had to try because if Rose was dying, it would be for him. Everything would be for him.

     "You can go home. You will! I forbid you accept death so easily!" Rose retorts, raising her voice much more than she would have liked, she was pretty sure she scared Connor a bit but if thats what it takes to get the point across it was worth it. He will make it home. Even the idea of him never seeing his family again angered her. Rose will not have killed everyone just for him to not make it home.

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