V. Making A Scene

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AS THE TRIBUTES prepared for the parade, getting dressed up by their stylists, Rose stood nervously awaiting her stylist who's identity was still a complete mystery.

"You must be Rose." A voice calls from behind her, making her whip around her head to see a lady strutting towards her. She wore a magenta dress with a black floral design with a fuzzy coat laid on her shoulders.

Rose nodded, still nervous about the whole parade thing. She hated people staring at her, she could always feel their gaze like spiders on skin. Her stylist makes an unsettling expression after taking a glance at her.

"Im Magnolia." She greets, extending her hand for Rose to shake it which she hesitantly complies.
"Oh you are just going to adore what I have planned for you." The lady squealed with tiny claps of excitement. Oh lovely. Rose thought to herself with a small grimace, she's seen the capital, their fashion sense was anything but normal.

     Magnolia forced Rose to close her eyes as she was dressing her, for her outfit to be a surprise but that only made her twice as nervous. Roses entire reputation was in Magnolias hands, she knew that how she looked in this parade would decide how the Capital sees her. Which is a vital part of these games. How she was perceived was everything and she could only hope Magnolia didn't mess this up.

     "Open your eyes!" Magnolia announced with a squeal, her voice shaky with excitement. Rose was on the edge of her seat as she waited a second to prepare herself.

     As her eyes opened, her nervous expression dropped. As she sat in front of the mirror, for the first time in years she saw something she liked, she saw herself. But she also saw Clover.

     She stared in awe of her dress, it had a light blue bodice and the skirt puffed out, decorated with small flowers scattered across the skirt and receding from the middle of the bodice. A transparent blue scarf fell from her shoulders which resembled the waves of the ocean back home. A small smile grew onto her lips as she turned to face Magnolia. It certainly wasn't as extravagant as Rose expected from the capital but it was better than she could ever imagine.

     "It's perfect." Rose smiles, still staring down at her dress in admiration.
"I know." Magnolia smiled back at her with her gloved hands clasped together under her chin.

     Her hair fell in waves down her shoulders, half of it messily tied into a small bun as a couple strands were tied into braids. it was a long process but it was certainly worth it when Rose was given a golden seashell headpiece, almost resembling a crown with blue beads that resembled pearls falling down her hair. The seashells no doubt a request from Portia.


     Connor and Rose were sent off to the chariots, Connor wore a light blue suit which was truly nothing special compared to Rose, a matching transparent blue scarf draped across his shoulders and a matching crown of seashells concealing themselves between his blonde curls.

     "Well don't you look dapper." Rose smiled at the younger boy as they stepped onto the chariots, trying their best to ignore the thousands of capital citizens watching their every move. Connor looked up at Rose, cheeks flushed in embarrassment as he adjusted his crown.

"Same goes for you." Connor responds, Rose takes notice how he was nervously fidgeting with hid fingers so she grabs onto his hand and gives it a squeeze as they steady themselves on the chariot. Rose gives him a warm smile before looking back into the crowd.

First goes District one, the crowd goes absolutely wild as they emerge from the darkness. It would be no doubt a tough act to best. Then goes District two, the crowd slightly simmers only making Rose more nervous.

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