XII. let your guard down

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ROSE KNEW SHE couldn't tell Connor and Zelda about Crystal and Dionysus's plan, she knew that she had to keep them safe no matter what and that means keeping them from whats truly going on. She couldn't have them worry when she knew if anyone stepped close to them, Rose would take care of it before things go too far.

They were sitting in the darkness of the cave, Zelda and Connor were already fast asleep and Rose was trying to keep herself awake long enough to make sure nothing happens to them. The loud Capital music booms throughout the arena which means its time to look up through one of the windows to see who has died.

Marcus from District One.

Then the music came to an abrupt stop, things had finally started settling down and less people have been dying by the day. Rose found comfort and horror in that idea, it would keep her chances of living higher but it would also drag on the process, Rose felt as if death was looming over her shoulder, purposefully making Rose wait to make the process more unbearable.

     Rose knew she couldn't keep them in this cave forever, she needed to go out there and find actual food and she knew leaving them in the cave would only leave them in a more helpless position than if they were with her.

Relief flooded through Roses body as the sun began to slowly rise, peeking its shy head above the horizon and shining a golden light through the bushes and onto Roses face. Nobody had come to kill them just yet, but she knew it had to be coming soon. Rose was just thankful for the few minutes of peace she got while the other tributes were still asleep even though her eyelids felt like dumbbells and she had already began to experience the sluggishness that comes with not sleeping or eating.

As Zelda and Connor awaken, the three of them crawl through the cave, pushing through the bushes to be greeted by the sea green waves crashing into the rocks. The color almost feeling like home, even though the waves back home were much more blue.

The forest was quiet, much like the calm before the storm. Rose jumped back slightly at seeing a white figure zooming through the bushes. Thankfully it was much too small to be human. Rose was slightly taken aback at the sound of slicing, she looked behind her then back to the bushes to see Connor had hit whatever ran through the bushes. He triumphantly pulled out a white rabbit, blood leaking from his head.

"Nice going." Rose compliments, plastering on a smile to hide how freaked out she was deep down. She almost wished he had warned her, it could have been a snake or something else that would easily take out the three of them. But Rose was more than thankful for the food. He nodded before tossing Rose the rabbit, a proud smile plastered on his face. She pushes the rabbit into the backpack she swung from her shoulder and they continue on into the forest.

     Rose heard a faint yet menacing whisper from behind the bushes, the voice brushing against her ears as chills ran down her spine. Before she could react, two tributes pounced from the bushes, flashes of brown and blonde hair made Rose recognize them instantly as the remaining tributes from the career districts.

The way things could change so fast shocked her, one second they were hunting for food and the next Crystal and Dionysus had Connor and Zelda locked in their grip as they shouted for Roses help. Rose tried to grab my sword but she found myself between a rock and a hard place when they paused in opposite directions.

"Which will it be?" Dionysus asked tauntingly, dangling Connor in front of her like a keychain while Crystal held a knife against Zeldas throat. Rage bubbled in Roses stomach as she was faced with such a decision. She couldn't go after one of them and leave the other to die, that would be cruel. But that was the point. The longer Rose stood there, conflicted, the more time they had to act on their plan, whatever it is.

"Im sorry." Rose mumbled to herself as she blinked back tears before taking off in Dionysus's direction. Rose felt disgusted leaving Zelda with Crystal but she couldn't leave Connor. Zelda let out one last cry for Rose before Dionysus started running through the trees, her dark green jacket blending in seamlessly with the trees but the rattle of her footsteps and the screams of Connor in her arms gave Rose no trouble with locating her.

She could hear Zelda's screams as she ran through the woods, she felt cruel, like Zelda was dying at her hands. But she had to save Connor, he was the last piece of home she had, a little piece of Willow she desperately clung onto to keep her sane.

He called her name as he began to get lost in the greenery of the forest, Rose kept on running and wouldn't stop until her lungs gave out. He felt just out of reach as Dionysus taunted him right in front of her. She felt as if she was being held back as he got further and further. Even though Dionysus's training score was embarrassingly low, she was still a career and was still much faster than an untrained girl from the fishing district.

Rose attempted to steady her sword in her hands as she rushed through the trees, unable to keep it stable in her bouncing hands but she was determined, and that was all she needed to get a steady grip on the handle of her sword as she charged towards the screams.

She lined herself up with the direction she expected Dionysus to run into and readied her sword as if it were a spear, squinting as splotches of them appeared through the trees. She waited for just the right moment before releasing with all her strength, sending the sword zooming through the air.

She could have saved Connor or ended his life right there, one inch off meant he was gone at her hands and then Rose would lose the both of them at once, but thankfully no cannon has been called which means Crystal hasn't put Zelda out of her misery just yet. Maybe there was still time to save her, if Zelda would even let Rose near her after she chose Connor.

A wave of relief shot through her veins as Dionysus let out a pained shout and her figure through the trees was knocked to the ground though Connor kept running. Rose called out to him as she ran towards him. Sadly, it only wounded Dionysus's shoulder but it was just enough to slow her down.

Rose didn't even give her a second glance after picking up her sword and sprinting through the trees.

"She's down!" Rose signaled to him, her voice straining as she tried desperately to reach him.

"We have to get Zelda! She could still be alive!" He called back to her, Rose had noticed Connor and Zelda had grew close but she needed to get the both of them away. If they go back for her they're just jumping in to another fight which everybody knew wouldn't end well. Rose had one priority, Connor. She couldn't put him in danger no matter what.


     Rose froze at the sound. The boom of death rang through the arena, Connor instantly dropped to his knees at the sound. Rose rushed to his side ad he clutched his stomach, tears prickling in his ocean blue eyes as he drooped his head towards his lap.

     She knew they had gotten close over the day they knew each other but he had to know she wouldn't make it, he had to know this would happen eventually. She didn't know how to comfort him exactly, for it was her fault Rose died. The guilt weighed Rose down much harder than when she had directly killed anyone. When she killed people, she didn't have a choice. But now she did. She knew she made the right one but Rose chose for Zelda to die. The blood was on her hands and Connor knew it.

     "You should have saved her." Connor choked out, Rose wanted to explain herself, she wanted to tell him her thought process but she knew it would only make him feel worse. He looked Rose dead in the eyes before moving his hands away from his stomach slightly.

     "She got me."

UHM MERRY CHRISTMAS (for those who celebrate it)🎄🎄🎄🥳🥳🥳 this fantastical happy ending was your christmas presents from me pookies!!😍

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