VIII. ice cream

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"LADIES AND GENTLEMEN," your master of ceremonies, Caesar Flickerman!" A voice boomed as Caesar's face was lit up and his theme music played, giving him the perfect introduction that would truly make his mark on the people of the Capital. He stepped from his plush chair he often interviewed the tributes on to give the audience a bow. He mouthed the words 'thank you, thank you' as he waved to the audience, though nothing could be heard over the roaring crowds. This was like a holiday to them, watching each tribute attempt at winning them over, over and over again. Placing bets and watching their names go up in lights along with the booming of a cannon announcing their deaths.

Each tribute was lined up backstage, waiting nervously before being interviewed by Caesar. Each one wearing something that their stylists thought would catch the audience's eye, though in their attempts at separating each tribute and making them unique, they simply begin to blend together and over the years what you wore began to matter less and less, unless it was truly special. And thats exactly what Magnolia did for Rose. She dressed her in a flowing red dress with sparkles of gold scattered around, roses fell along the ruffled hem and there was a slit along her leg. To top it off, she wore striking black eyeliner, easily making her look much more intimidating than she actually was.

Rose watched as each six tributes bumbled onto the stage before her, a snicker escaping her lips as she watched Dionysus trip over her own feet and make a fool of herself on national television. Rose almost felt bad before remembering this was just the humbling moment she needed, that and her embarrassing training score. Rose wondered to herself, why would she volunteer if she didn't know the first thing about the games?

Then finally, she was the last one in line. Connor mouthed her a 'good luck' and gave her a thumbs up which gave her all the confidence she needed. The empty space between her and the stage almost felt suffocating, but as Caesar introduced her, she sucked it up and put on her best smile, the audience erupted into cheers the moment she stepped onto the stage. She waved and smiled for the crowd before sitting down in the plush light blue chair opposite of Caesar. It really was much less comfortable than it looked on TV. Rose thought to herself, trying to think of anything other than the fact that within twenty four hours, she would he shipped off into the arena. The very day she was dreading ever since she volunteered had finally begun to creep around the corner.

"This is certainly not the first time a member from the Carter family has been up on this stage! Here to carry on the legacy I presume?" Caesar announced, leaning in closer to whisper the last part to Rose, his tone was half joking which truly made Rose not know how to respond. The way he was speaking of the death of her sister like it was some prideful act to follow.

"Close, Caesar. Im here to do what Clover couldn't." Rose admitted, though the words felt like poison on her tongue. Only she knew why she was really here; to protect the only family she has left and she wouldn't get some tears to get in the way between her and her family.

"Now, do you have any particular strategy for the arena?" The vibrant man interrogates. Rose knew instantly this question was a trap and she needed to be as vague as possible, her competition was listening closely behind her, searching for any kinds of hints on how to kill her in the arena. The siblings from District three already made that mistake, they explained in great detail how they would try and camouflage themselves in the mud and plant traps, Rose could even hear a snicker from Jinx from District seven.

"No spoilers Caesar, but let's just say, it will be very cutting-edge material." Rose reveals with a wink. Perfect? Rose wasn't sure if she was being too vague but there was no turning back now, its like her mouth was moving faster than her brain, carrying her as far as she could and it seemed like so far it was working. The audience loved her, from what she could see.

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