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{Percy's POV}

"Alright bye, guys!!" I grabbed Annabeth's hand and dragged her back to my cabin leaving the rest of the seven to their stories.

I needed to talk to her.

Things were getting out of hand.

"Percy, what's going on? Why are you in such a rush? Slow down!" She pulled against my grasp.


I pulled her inside and shut the door leading her to my bed we sat down and I began to fidget.

Stupid ADHD.

"Perce? What's so important that you had to rush me in here?"

"Well, Annabeth. I um, I wanna talk to you about us..." I didn't know how to tell her.

"Okay, what about us?"

"I-I don't know how to say this without hurting you or making you hate me but...I want you to know that nothing has happened and I still love you just not in a romantic way." I was rushing past my words trying to get them all out.

For a moment I forgot that I was in my cabin with her because I started to fall into my memories.

Jason and I sitting in his room playing with our powers to create steam and mist, making shapes. Other times we shared stories of our pasts' (leaving out some of the bad stuff) but told each other about quests and camp experiences. The time he took me into the clouds - it was scary but beautiful, trying and failing to make cookies and so many more times where I felt so safe and loved by him. The way he would smile at me and grab my hand to lead my places.

"Percy?" She motioned me back to reality. 

She's gonna hate me.

Oh well, here goes nothing.

"Percy? Where are you going with this?" She spoke slowly as if not wanting to know the answer.

"Okay, well you know how after we came out of there you started to pull away a bit, well I didn't figure out why for a while. Not until I started talking to Jason. I-he, he was so understanding and he listened to everything but when I got to the point where Akhlys and the poison, I-"

I looked up from my fidgeting hands to see her face. As a Daughter of Athena, she wasn't very bright.

"Annabeth what I'm trying to tell you is - I'm bi. There I said it, straight up."

She stood up. She was staring me dead in the eye.

"So you're trying to tell me that you-you have feelings for Jason Grace?" 


She's mad.

"Yes, no. I don't know Annabeth it's all too confusing right now," I felt so ashamed.

"You don't know?!"

"No. I don't Annabeth."

"Well let me decide for you." She did something I didn't expect.

She kissed me.

Now we've kissed before and that wasn't the thing that surprised me, what surprised me was why she did it. She kissed me out of anger, not out of love. She was trying to prove a point to me, prove that she was better.

"N-no Annabet-th stop!" I struggled to push her off.


"Please -"

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