Chapter Eleven

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In the midst of their makeshift training ground, Lukar yelped as Thomas jabbed his arm with the practice sticks they were using for swordplay. Thomas chuckled, pulling back and shaking his head.

"I told you to dodge, Lukar. Now get up. We're not done," he said with a grin.

Lukar groaned but picked himself up, a determined look in his eyes. However, as he glanced over at Petro, who stood with folded arms at a distance, Lukar couldn't shake the concern. He leaned in closer to Thomas and whispered, "Are you sure Petro's okay with this?"

Thomas burst into laughter, glancing over at Petro. "I know for certain he's not okay with this. But trust me, he'd be even more upset if you suck at it. So, get up and let's keep going."

The two resumed their practice, the sound of clashing sticks echoing in the air. Petro continued to watch, his expression unreadable, as the bond between Lukar and Thomas deepened through the shared pursuit of skill and strength.

Lukar lay on the ground, panting, after their intense training session. Petro looked down at him and commented, "You should be happy Thomas is your teacher. If it were me, I'd make your training bleed into the farm work as well."

Extending his hand, Petro offered assistance, and Lukar grabbed it, pulling himself up. Curiosity etched on his face, Lukar asked, "Why don't you want me to learn to fight, Petro?"

Petro shook his head, his gaze serious. "I don't want you to fight. You are learning because you want to fight, and that's why Thomas isn't teaching you how to attack someone. You have no reason to attack anyone. You've shown perseverance without a blade for this long; there's no need to introduce it now."

As Petro turned to go into the fields, Lukar couldn't let the conversation end without expressing his determination. Shouting after Petro, he declared, "One day, it'll be me who helps you stay safe!"

As Lukar was laboring in the fields, the sun beating down on his back as he worked the land. In the midst of his toil, he caught sight of Lord Nadik on his horse, a silent overseer of the toiling slaves. As their eyes met, a chill ran down Lukar's spine.

Motioning for Lukar to approach, Lord Nadik's authoritative voice sliced through the air, "With a purpose, boy! Hurry up!"

Reacting to the command, Lukar quickly placed his tool on the ground and jogged the last few feet toward Lord Nadik.

Lukar felt a knot tighten in his stomach as Lord Nadik motioned for him to come over, Orlan's intense gaze adding to his unease. Hurrying over, he heard Lord Nadik's command to move with purpose and jogged the last few feet. Standing before the imposing figure, Lukar braced himself for whatever might come next.

Lord Nadik looked out at the farm before turning his attention to Lukar. "How well do you know this farm?" he inquired, his tone cutting through the air.

Lukar, hesitant but truthful, replied, "I've lived on this farm for five years. I know it like the back of my hand."

Nodding, Lord Nadik produced a drawing from his pocket, revealing an intricate amulet. He explained that it had been in his wife's family for generations and was lost during her travels. Conveying a sense of urgency, Lord Nadik continued, "I would send my overseers, but they're lazy and don't know the meaning of the words 'with haste.' I need you to find it."

Confused, Lukar asked, "You want me to go outside the farm's walls?" The sinister chuckle that followed sent shivers down Lukar's spine. "You'd dare to escape?" Lord Nadik questioned, the threat implicit in his tone.

Panicking, Lukar quickly responded, "No, never!" He stammered, desperately trying to convey his loyalty. Lord Nadik, with a dark grin, assured Lukar that if he could find the amulet, he would be duly rewarded.

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