Chapter Fifteen

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Lukar joyously entered into the slave quarters, excited to tell his friends what he experienced today. The slave quarters are dimly lit, with the soft glow of a flickering lantern casting shadows on the rough-hewn walls. The others are scattered around the small space, sitting on makeshift stools or leaning against the walls.

His friends look up, curious, and Petro is the first to ask, "What happened out there, Lukar?"

Lukar eagerly begins to recount the events, emphasizing the laughter, the camaraderie, and the sense of acceptance he felt among the overseers.

Adam, always observant, raises an eyebrow and questions, "But were they genuine, Lukar? Or were they just playing with you?"

"It's not like that, Adan. Everything Lord Nadik put me through was to test my mentality. He knows I don't think like a slave." He said pointedly.

Thomas, ever practical, interjects, "What's that supposed to mean? What does Lord Nadik even want from you, Lukar? Why suddenly show you his favor?"

Lukar responds with a boastful grin, "He sees something in me, Thomas. Something different. He said I have the mentality of a man, not a slave. Maybe I am set apart from the rest."

Adan, concerned, speaks up, "But Lukar, what if it's just a game? What if he's trying to use you for something?"

Lukar, feeling a spark of defensiveness, countered Adan's skepticism. "No, it's not a game! Lord Nadik isn't like the others. He's not just some overseer looking to make our lives miserable. He's a hard worker, and just wants us to help the farm grow. What is he meant to do when we don't understand that."

Petro, normally the calm and measured one, speaks up with a touch of worry in his voice. "Lukar, you've got to be careful. We've seen how these things go. It might be worth being cautious."

But Lukar, intoxicated by the taste of recognition and standing apart, brushes off their concerns. "You don't get it. This could be my chance to be more than just a slave, Petro. Lord Nadik... he believes in me. I'm not going to pass up an opportunity like that."

The room falls into a contemplative silence, the lantern's flicker casting shadows that dance across Lukar's face. The friends exchange glances, silently grappling with the complex mix of emotions and uncertainties that Lukar's newfound favor with Lord Nadik has stirred among them.

Keelan stepped forward with a gentle smile. "Lukar, I'm happy for you. If you felt a bit of freedom today, then that's a good thing. It's what we all wish for each other, isn't it?" She asked looking at everyone else. They all murmured a response.

She reaches out, tenderly kissing Lukar's forehead and gave him a quick hug. Lukar, touched by Keelan's kindness, is reminded of her unconditional support.

In the midst of the conflicting emotions in the room, Thomas rose to his feet. His expression is serious, and his tone carries the weight of genuine concern. "Lukar, you can't let a single outing cloud your judgment. Lord Nadik can't be both the man who beats people mercilessly and the nurturing soul you're describing. Those two don't mix."

Thomas' words cut through the room, challenging Lukar's perspective. Lukar, feeling the heat of the confrontation, retorts, "You don't know what you're talking about. You weren't there. Lord Nadik is different; he knows how the world works."

The tension in the room escalates as Lukar and Thomas, both stubborn in their convictions, clash over their interpretations of Lord Nadik's actions.

Petro, observing the growing tension, stepped forward with a calm demeanor. He placed a hand on Lukar's shoulder, attempting to ground him. "Lukar, I've prayed for your freedom every day. It's all we ever wanted for you. But this, it feels like a different kind of chain. Be careful, my friend. Freedom isn't just about where you go; it's about who you become."

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