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As the morning sun cast its gentle rays upon the humble slave quarters, Petro stirred from his sleep. The creaking of the wooden bed was accompanied by the soft snores of his fellow slaves. Petro's gaze lingered on Lukar, who lay still in peaceful slumber, likely returning late from his night out.

With a silent gesture, Petro roused Thomas and Adan. The trio moved through the routine of their modest living space, sharing the tasks of preparing for the day. Petro's eyes reflected gratitude as they converged in unity for their morning prayer. Each word spoken held the weight of their shared struggles, a collective plea for protection and guidance amid the hardships that surrounded them.

Yet, unbeknownst to Petro, this day carried an unforeseen revelation, a twist in their story that would add a new dimension to their prayers and the challenges they faced together.

The crisp morning air hung over the slave quarters as Petro, Thomas, and Adan gathered themselves for the day ahead. The first rays of sunlight painted the surroundings with a warm glow. Petro couldn't help but let his gaze linger on the figure of Lukar, still lost in slumber after a late night.

As the trio left the quarters, Petro led a brief prayer, thanking the Living One for granting them another day and seeking continued safety in challenging times. The routine held a comforting familiarity, a thread connecting them amidst the uncertainties of their existence.

Their next stop was Orlan, the overseer in charge of assigning tasks. Petro approached him, ready to receive the day's assignments.

"Good morning, Orlan," Petro greeted, the corners of his mouth twitching into a polite smile.

Orlan acknowledged their presence with a nod, "Morning, Petro. You three are needed in the everseed fields. We've got to get them swathed for the upcoming harvest. "

"Alright Orlan, we'll get right on it." Petro said with a nod. As he went to leave Orlan stopped him.

"I heard the boy is meant to be joining Lord Nadik and Averik to give tax to the king next week, just wanted to let you know since you often worry about him."

"Thank you Orlan, I'm sure the Living One will protect him and keep him out of harm." Petro said with a smile.

"Indeed. I do worry some. Lord Nadik has been talking of adopting a new son to replace Averik. Things could get very problematic for you slaves." Orlan sighed.

"You've been a great help, Orlan. Continue to see what you can find out, there could be light hiding behind the mountains." Petro reassured him.

As Petro, Thomas, and Adan made their way to the everseed fields, Thomas couldn't contain his curiosity. He looked at Petro with a furrowed brow and asked, "Petro, why would Lord Nadik bring Lukar to such an important gathering? It seems unusual, doesn't it?"

Petro sighed, a subtle frown etching his features. "I can't presume to understand Lord Nadik's motivations, Thomas. His decisions are often beyond our comprehension. But we must trust that the Living One will keep Lukar safe, regardless of the circumstances."

Thomas nodded thoughtfully, though uncertainty lingered in his gaze. Adan remained silent, his expression mirroring a mix of curiosity and concern. The trio continued to the fields, their minds wrestling with the mysteries of Lord Nadik's intentions and the potential implications for Lukar.

In the soft glow of flickering candlelight, Petro, Thomas, and Adan huddled together in the dimly lit slave quarters. The air inside was heavy with the earthy scent of wet straw and the warmth of flickering flames. Raindrops tapped insistently against the small, weathered windows, a lullaby of nature that provided a soothing background to their evening prayers.

The trio knelt on well-worn mats, their hands clasped in quiet reverence. The rhythmic cadence of their prayers, whispered words of solace and gratitude, filled the humble space. Petro's weathered voice, tinged with both fatigue and devotion, rose above the gentle murmur of rain outside.

As they concluded their evening ritual, the soft glow of the candles danced in the draft that slipped through the cracks, casting shifting shadows on the walls. Petro's eyes, dimmed by the years of toil and hardship, closed momentarily as he offered a heartfelt prayer for Lukar. He beseeched the Living One to keep Lukar safe from harm and to grant him the wisdom needed to navigate the complex currents of his newfound existence.

Outside, the rain intensified, its rhythmic drumming a symphony of nature's cleansing. The trio remained huddled, finding solace in the shared sanctuary of prayer, their hearts unified in the hope for a better tomorrow.

The room was awash in a gentle glow from the flickering candles, their illumination revealing the mixture of joy and trepidation on Keelan's face. The steady hum of the evening rain served as a backdrop to the unfolding conversation.

"I went to the doctor," Keelan began, her eyes seeking reassurance in Petro's gaze. "I'm with child." The room hushed, absorbing the weight of her words.

Petro, sensing the significance of Keelan's announcement, spoke first. "This is news worth celebrating." His voice had hints of excitement and shock.

Adan couldn't contain his excitement. "A child! This is wonderful news, Petro! Congratulations!" However, Keelan's expression tempered their enthusiasm.

Thomas, his face beaming, exclaimed, "That's fantastic! He'll be strong like his father!" Adan nodded in agreement, but Petro raised a calming hand.

Keelan interjected, "But what if the overseers find out? What if they take our baby away?" Fear threaded through her words, mirroring the anxiety in her eyes.

Petro, ever the voice of reason, responded, "Keelan, we've got to trust in Lukar. I believe he won't let anything happen to you or our child."

As raindrops danced on the windowsill, the small room became a haven of the joy of impending parenthood and the underlying fear of what is to come.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2023 ⏰

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