Chapter Twelve

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Lukar walked back to the farm, the iron gate closing behind him with a metallic groan, a symbolic reminder that he had never truly left the confines of servitude. The familiar sights of the farm surrounded him, each detail etched in his memory. Lukar scanned the area, seeking Lord Nadik, and spotted him by the well. Determination set in, he approached Lord Nadik and presented the amulet.

Lord Nadik's pleased expression lingered as Lukar presented the amulet. The lord raised an approving eyebrow, a smirk playing on his lips. "Ah, Lukar, you've done well. Not only did you find it, but you showed obedience. A trait I wish all my slaves possessed," he remarked, his tone carrying a self-satisfied air.

Lukar, ever the picture of deference, nodded and replied, "Thank you, Lord Nadik. I only aim to serve."

As Lukar turned to leave, anticipating a return to the slave quarters, Lord Nadik's commanding voice halted him. The lord stepped closer, placing the amulet around Lukar's neck. A patronizing pat landed on Lukar's chest, and Lord Nadik's tone dripped with condescension. "Consider it a reward, Lukar. A reminder of your place, like new reins for an untamed horse. Obedience will serve you well in this world."

Lukar nodded to Lord Nadik and made his way back to his room hiding the amulet underneath his shirt. While he walked, the overseers, led by Averik, closed in around Lukar like a pack of vultures circling their prey. The horses shifted nervously, their breaths creating frosty puffs in the cold air. Averik, with a smug grin, decided to poke at Lukar, as if prying into his personal affairs was their birthright.

"What did father have to say to you, boy?" Averik sneered, his voice dripping with disdain. The other overseers chuckled, finding perverse amusement in the situation. Lukar, accustomed to such taunts, kept his gaze steady and replied with a calm demeanor, "Nothing that concerns you, Averik. Just a task from Lord Nadik."

Averik's eyes narrowed, displeased with Lukar's lack of reaction. The overseers continued their pestering, riding alongside Lukar as he walked. They prodded him with questions and comments, creating an oppressive atmosphere that Lukar endured with a stoic resolve.

As Averik dismounted his horse, he approached Lukar with a menacing scowl. With a forceful shove, he demanded to know who Lukar thought he was talking to. However, as Averik's hand connected with Lukar's shoulder, he caught a glint from the silver chain beneath the collar of Lukar's shirt.

Averik's eyes widened and with a malicious grin, he roughly yanked at the collar, exposing the amulet hanging around Lukar's neck.

"Thief!" Averik bellowed, his face contorted with rage. He pointed an accusing finger at Lukar, commanding the other overseers to seize him. The two enforcers, fueled by Averik's authority, closed in on Lukar, their hands ready to subdue him.

Averik, his eyes filled with disbelief and anger, unsheathed his sword and pointed it threateningly at Lukar. Accusing him of stealing his mother's jewelry, he demanded an explanation.

Lukar, feeling the cold steel of the sword's tip and the weight of the accusation, responded, "Lord Nadik gave it to me. It's not stolen." Averik scoffed, refusing to believe Lukar's words.

Averik, his voice filled with contempt, sneered, "My father, giving away family heirlooms? I find that hard to believe, Lukar. You're a liar and a thief." The other overseers, looming on their horses, glared at Lukar with suspicion.

Lukar, desperately trying to maintain composure, insisted, "It's the truth! He rewarded me for finding it. Ask Lord Nadik if you don't believe me."

Averik, unmoved, raised his sword higher, ready to act on his threat. "Lord Nadik wouldn't waste such treasures on the likes of you. Confess, or prepare to face the consequences." The situation escalated, and Lukar felt the oppressive weight of the impending violence.

As the tension heightened, a small crowd began to form, drawn by the commotion. Among the onlookers, Petro spotted Lukar in distress and rushed to his aid. He pushed through the gathering crowd, concern etched on his face, and demanded to know what was happening. Lukar, his voice shaky but desperate, pleaded with Petro, swearing he would never steal and insisting that the amulet was a gift.

Petro, with a stern expression, instructed Lukar to remain still and then turned to face Averik. "Release him, Averik. If there's a matter to be settled, let me take his punishment," Petro declared, his voice unwavering. The overseers, unsure of how to proceed in the face of Petro's intervention, exchanged glances. Averik, still holding his sword, considered Petro's proposal with a calculating gaze.

The tension in the air grew thicker as Lord Nadik approached, summoned by the commotion. Averik, standing tall and proud, accused Lukar of theft, claiming that he was administering punishment for this treacherous act. Lukar, caught in the middle, looked to Lord Nadik with an expression that blended worry and confusion.

Amid the charged atmosphere, Lord Nadik calmly turned to Averik, inquiring about Lukar's statement. Averik, with misplaced confidence, declared that Lukar had said Lord Nadik gave him the amulet. To the surprise of the onlookers, Lord Nadik confirmed the truth of the statement, casting a momentary silence over the scene.

"Averik, your accusations are unfounded. Lukar speaks the truth," Lord Nadik stated with a measured tone.

Averik's face twisted with a mix of confusion, embarrassment, and rage. In an abrupt about-face, he shot a venomous glare at his father.

"What kind of game are you playing, Father?" Averik spat out, his voice a low growl. "You said not to treat them with grace, not to let them eat of our food and bask in our riches. Now, you're tarnishing our family's name by giving that slave my mother's amulet! Is this some sick joke to you?"

Lord Nadik's response was a cold silence. He stared at Averik with an unreadable expression, leaving the accusation hanging in the air. Averik, unable to bear the tension, wheeled his horse around and, accompanied by the overseers, rode off, leaving the aftermath of his outburst lingering.

Lukar began to take off the amulet but Lord Nadik's stern voice cut through the air as he spoke to Lukar, "A horse does not remove its reins without its master's approval." His words, a harsh command, halted Lukar's attempt to take off the amulet.

The weight of Lord Nadik's expectations lingered in the air as the young slave obediently left the amulet around his neck, a constant reminder of his place in this hierarchy.

As they returned to the forest, Petro, Adan, and Thomas surrounded Lukar, concern etched across their faces. Petro asked Lukar to explain the situation, and Lukar recounted the events from retrieving the amulet to Lord Nadik's unexpected gift.

Thomas and Adan exchanged worried glances as Lukar finished his tale. Lukar, sensing their unease, inquired about their expressions. Petro stepped in, trying to reassure Lukar, "Don't worry about it, Lukar. It's just that dealing with the lord's son can be tricky. You handled it well, though."

The remainder of the day proved challenging as Averik continued to make trouble for Lukar during their work. Petro acted as a shield, defusing Averik's anger whenever it flared up. Eventually, Averik gave up, leaving Lukar to finish his tasks without further interference.

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