Chapter Fourteen

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The sun hung high in the sky, casting a golden hue over the vast wheat fields as the slaves toiled away. Lukar, amidst the rhythmic swaying of wheat blades, noticed a group of overseers preparing to go out – likely for training or to scout new lands.

A spark of determination ignited within Lukar. It was time to assert himself, to prove that he could be more than just a pair of hands in the field. He scanned the area and spotted Jarin, a familiar troublemaker among the slaves.

"Jarin," Lukar called out, his voice carrying a newfound authority. "Finish up the bundles and take them to the storehouse. I've got something to attend to."

Jarin, seated nearby and minding his own business, shot Lukar a look of disbelief. "Who made you the boss?" he retorted, a smirk playing on his lips.

Lukar squared his shoulders, meeting Jarin's challenging gaze. "I did. Now get moving. You've got two hands, don't you? Put them to good use for once."

Jarin's expression shifted from amusement to irritation. "Whatever."

Lukar suppressed a smile, determined not to let Jarin's taunts get under his skin. He gave a decisive nod and walked away, leaving Jarin to grumble and start gathering the wheat bundles.

As Lukar approached Lord Nadik, a subtle sense of accomplishment filled him. He stood a little taller, ready to present himself as more than just a laborer.

Lukar confidently approached Lord Nadik, proposing his willingness to accompany the overseers. However, not all the overseers were as receptive to the idea.

"Lord Nadik," one of the overseers scoffed, "what use could a slave be on our outing? They're good for nothing more than working the fields."

Lukar, not one to let such comments slide, retorted, "I don't have a mind like an animal; I'm a man. I can be of use beyond the fields."

Laughter erupted among the overseers at Lukar's audacity. The one who spoke earlier smirked and said, "If you think you're a man, prove it. Go fetch a horse from the stables and meet us at the gate."

Undeterred, Lukar met their challenging gazes with determination. "Fine," he replied, masking any uncertainty. "I'll show you what I'm capable of."

As Lukar made his way to the stables, he could feel the eyes of the overseers following him, skepticism lingering in the air. Little did they know that Lukar was ready to defy their expectations and seize the opportunity to prove his worth beyond the fields.

As Lukar ventured towards the stables, the scent of hay and the rhythmic sound of hooves filled the air. Aric, a fellow slave responsible for the care of the horses, looked up from his duties, surprised to see Lukar in this part of the estate.

"Lukar, what brings you here?" Aric asked, wiping sweat from his brow.

An eager grin spread across Lukar's face as he shared the news, "Lord Nadik has allowed me to join the overseers on their outing. I get to prove myself today!"

Aric's expression shifted, a mix of curiosity and concern. "Lord Nadik, caring? That's something new," he remarked, alluding to the hardships they'd endured under their master.

Lukar's enthusiasm dimmed as he remembered Aric's own painful encounter with Lord Nadik's whip. Determination sparked in his eyes as he vowed, "If I get the chance, I won't let him harm you again."

Aric nodded appreciatively, and, with a brief moment of camaraderie, they set their attention on Thunder, a majestic grey horse native to the Keon plains. Jarin, who had been overseeing the preparations, approached, introducing Lukar to the steed.

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