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Dream / hallucination

My body felt light . It felt like one cool breeze would blow my body away .

I'm not sure was I was .

The room had no light , no windows , nothing .

There were other people in the room with me . They were emotionless they stood in line as if they were waiting on something .

"Y/N WHAT ARE YOU DOIN ?!" I heard Nevaeh's voice ask .

" Not again .This is another bad dream ain't it ?" I asked .


" Good I don't wanna live .Shit has been so hard you don't understand."I told her .

"Y/n trust me you don't wanna die.I wish I could be back with y'all .I miss my family I miss hanging with you . I miss life . I miss how beautiful it was . I was just starting my life .I hate it was cut short " She said .

" I wish I never would've went to that party . I wish I didn't die like that . " She said .

" I wish you would've never died . I'm so lost .You been guiding me since we were little  kids .." I told her .

" I'm still guiding you now .Listen to me Y/n you're running out of time . You gotta go back ." She said .

A bright light started shining in the room .

"You're running out of time . Go . GO before it's too late , go make it right with your mom , go live your life , make a lot of mistakes , fix them . And when it's over I'll see you again ." She told me .

"Are you gonna be okay here ?" I asked .

"Of course Y/n . As long as you okay I'm okay remember that ."

The light started getting brighter and she started floating towards it .

"One last thing ..Please take care of my brother he needs you more than you know ."

Everybody started disappearing in the light .

"HURRY GO !" She said pushing me out the way of the light and I ended up falling down . I don't know where to .

I woke up in a white room . Confused and dazed out .

I try to remember what happened while the nurses packed up their equipment.

"She's awake." The nurse says .

" Miss Y/n are you alright honey? Can you speak ?" The nurse asked .

" I think so ." I said .

"She's responsive ."The other nurse says .

"What happened?" I asked sitting up .

" You almost overdosed on an aspirin. We had to pump your stomach . We almost lost you for a second ."She explained .

"We have someone out front for you ." She said .

Soon they left and they came back with my mom .

"Y/N .. Y/N baby I'm so sorry I didn't comfort you . I'm sorry I haven't been there for you very much . I have a hard time dealing with my emotions ." My mom apologized giving me a hug with tears rolling down her face .

"It's okay ma I'm sorry I disrespected you .I should've never said that ." I told her wiping the tears off her face .

"I love you Y/n." She says .

"I love you too ." I replied.

She got up and started digging around in her purse .

"Here. I was out getting you a phone when Miss Jimenez called me ." She said .

"Here ." She passed me the phone box .

"Thankyou ma . Speaking where is Miss Jimenez ?" I asked .

"You missed them . They just left . She was worried sick about you Y/n her and Damien ." She said .

"You mean Darrian ?" I asked.

"You know I'm not good with names ." We laughed .

"Can you call her and let her know I'm alright ." I asked her .

"Nah huh I gotta go back to work . These bills not gonna pay they self baby. That's what I gave you a phone for ." She joked .

I dialed up Miss Jimenez and told her what was going on while my mom left the room .

Later .

I was laying in the bed taking a nap when Miss Jimenez came in .

"Hey Sweetie I'm so glad you're okay . I was worried sick about you ." She rushed over to me giving me a tight hug .

"Hi Miss Jimenez ." She pinched my nose .

"Ow ." I said

"You don't scare me like that again girl ." She said .

"I'm sorry . Hey where's Darrian ?" I asked .

"He had to go to school but he was so worried about you . You want me to tell him to stop by ?" She asked .

"I can tell him if you can give me his number , I got a new phone ." I showed her .

She gave me his number and I texted him I figured he was busy so I didn't call I left a text message.

"Alright nina I'm heading out . Are you gonna be okay ?" She said .

"Of course .Thanks for stopping by."

"Alright I'll see you later ." She said before closing the door softly.

I lied in bed and went to sleep for a brief second until the door opened .

It was Darrian .He looked so sexy . He had his twist in a bun where you could see his lineup .

He didn't look very happy . He had dark circles around his eye.

" I got ya text . How you feel ?" He asked .He sat next to me in my bed but avoided eye contact .

"I'm alright ." I sat up .

"Yo why you do some stupid ass shit like that ."He asked looking at me with irritation  .

" Because I was hurt Darrian . These last few weeks have been so painful I-."

" How the fuck you think I feel ?" He interrupted.

It wasn't like him to be so mean .

" Darrian why are you so mad for ?" I asked .

" Cuz you really did some dumb ass shit like that ." He said .

I felt emotional.

" I'm sorry I'm not fucking strong like you and shit actually hurts me ." I snapped .

"Bro stop saying bullshit .IM FUCKIN HURT TOO !"He yelled .

"You just like Nevaeh Bo . Y'all don't never think about the choices y'all make for y'all do shit . Y'all don't think about who it hurt ." Darrian's voice cracked .

I never seen him so hurt before .

A few tears rolled down his face .

"Fuck . !!" He yelled getting up wiping his tears .

"I can't be in here yo ." He said heading for the door .

"Darrian wait don't go ."He left and slammed the door.

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