Part One: How It Began

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The dreaded sound of an alarm clock rang out through the tiny room, waking the sleeping girl from her slumber. With a groan, she lifts her head from her pillow to shut off the alarm on her phone. "I don't wanna..." She mumbles out, before flopping back down onto her pillow. With a tired sigh, she got out of bed and started getting ready for the day.

After getting her work uniform on, she bids her aunt goodbye before taking a deep breath, and opening the door to begin her day. As she walks down the sidewalk making her way towards her workplace, she looks around the area around her. 'Man, how I wish for a change...' She thought to herself with a sigh. "Good Morning Angel!" Her coworker, and best friend, greets her as she enters the front door. "You're here today, Normic?" Angel smiles looking at him as he nods. "Yeah, don't you ever check the schedule?" He chuckles as she rolls her eyes playfully. "Hey, you're lucky I even look at my schedule!" She laughs before getting started on her task.

"Hey, Normic?" Angel mutters quietly before looking over at her friend. He hums in response letting her know he's listening as he continues with his work. "Do you ever wish something would change?" She questions, with wonder in her voice. "What do you mean?" Normic stops what he's doing to look at her, seeing her lost in thought. "I don't know... I'm just tired of the same old thing every day. I want some excitement." She says, looking around the workplace and its customers.

Normic sighs before approaching her and placing a hand on her shoulder. "I know you want things to change and I know why you want to escape reality. But, unfortunately, this is reality, and there is no way around it. Trust me, I'd love to pop into anime just as much as you do or some other universe, but that's not bound to happen, because they're not real." He tells her while watching the hope fade from her eyes, and he gives her a sad smile before returning to work. She sighs in return "thanks anyway..." She says going back to do her job before she's cut off by a scream, and a blue light blasting through the store she works at.

"What the?" She says watching as men with weapons pop from a portal, starting to attack her other coworkers and customers. She turns slowly to Normic, fear in her eyes. "Um, Normic?" She says, gaining his attention. "We have a problem...." She laughs nervously, holding the broom she was sweeping with to her chest. "No shit Sherlock, I have eyes to you know. But instead of standing here, we should probably do something because it seems everyone is too busy getting killed or freaking out" he sighs before grabbing a katana out of nowhere. "WHY DID YOU BRING A KATANA TO WORK?! WHO DOES THAT?!" Angel screeches, her eyes wide in shock. Normic just rolls his eyes. "You gonna help or not?" He scoffs at her.

Determination fills her as she looks around for means to be able to help people from being attacked. Her attention lands back on her broom, before breaking off the broom head and twirling the broomstick. "Let's do this!" She says before running into action, knocking out one of the attackers with her broomstick. "That's more like it!" Normic shouts as he takes out a few with his katana.

"Watch out!" An unknown, yet familiar voice rings out, causing Angel to notice the attack coming for her. She dodges it as her eyes land on a blond-haired boy with bright blue eyes. "Naruto...?" She stares at him in disbelief. After getting over her shock, she takes her broomstick and uses it to choke out another of the attackers bringing him to the ground. Then she takes a look around at all the others in the fight. Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura, Yuji, Megumi, Nobara, and many more. "What are they all doing here? How is this possible?" Normic says from behind her, startling her. "I have no clue... I'm just as lost as you" She looks at him with curiosity in her eyes. She starts swinging her broomstick again, readying for another attack, both ends of the stick lighting up with fire. "Woah... Did I do that?!" She stares at the flames in amazement, a smirk appearing on her face. "Looks like I'm a force that you losers shouldn't be messing with~" Angel swings the broomstick as the fire flares out like a fireball, scorching some of the attackers.

"Okay that was badass and all but if you now have powers..." Normic ponders, before bringing his hands up, using his middle finger and ring fingers on both hands to create a diamond shape with his index fingers sticking above the diamond shape, before slowly crossing his arms as smoke starts to fill the space around everyone. "Holy shit...." He mutters, before swinging his katana, taking out another invader. "This is officially the best day of my life!" He laughs before dodging an attack, grabbing the attacker's arm, and shoving his katana through the attacker's chest. After realizing that was the last one, he stands up straight, looking at the scene before them. Angel was bent over, breathing heavily from exhaustion, and many bodies littered the floor covered in blood.

"Well, that was intense!" A voice chuckled. Angel's breath catches in her throat, recognizing the voice as Satoru Gojo, one of her favorite anime characters. "But, I must say, you two were the most impressive, seeing as you two jumped into action without a thought or care for your safety" Gojo places a hand on Angel's and Normic's shoulders, looking over the bodies on the floor. Angel's face went bright red as she felt his hand on her shoulder, keeping herself from squealing. "Your autism is showing" Normic states laughing at her. She casually flips him off and he just laughs more at her flustered state.

"You two will be coming with us, and we will get those powers of yours under control as it seems we will be needing you in this battle" Gojo states before walking out of the building. "Battle?" Angel questions, looking over at Normic, who just shrugs his shoulders. "Some crazy villain from our world decided to infiltrate yours, we have no clue of his intentions but we do know he needs to be stopped." Angel about jumps out of her skin, hearing Goku's voice from behind her. "Okay, but why choose us? We just work in a grocery store. We are just two ordinary citizens like everyone else. So why not pick someone else?" Normic says, confused as to why he and Angel we picked to help fight against the villain. "Are you kidding?! The way you two fought back there was incredible! You two jumped into action without thinking about how you are just ordinary people!" Yuji says walking behind the group with amazement.

Angel chuckles and looks over at Normic "If I didn't know any better, I'd say we were the main characters of some sort of fanfiction". Normic looks at her, clearly holding in a laugh, before they both break into laughter. "Well, either way, we all need to regroup at the base we made to discuss any further plans and get you two trained up," Gojo says, looking back at them. "Well, in that case, you can count on us! We will help in any way possible, and we won't give up until we win the battle!" Angel says, determination in her voice as Normic nods, also ready to take on any challenges they may face along the way. "That's the spirit!" Goku says, patting Normic on the back before getting in the car that'll take them to base. Angel and Normic look back at the store they left one last time, realizing things aren't going to be the same for them ever again. "You ready?" Angel says looking over at her best friend. "Yeah, I believe so.." He opened the door and got in, Angel getting in after as the car drove off, leaving the life they knew, behind.

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