Part Four: A Hero's Hero

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Sitting up in her bed, Angel yawned and stretched. She didn't get sleep that night, as she was thinking about the day before. Sighing, she stands up and walks over to her mirror, looking at herself. Her green eyes scanned over her face staring back at her, before taking a deep breath. "I'm Angel Phoenix, I'm strong, beautiful, and smart. I can handle anything I put my mind to" she said into the mirror giving herself a pep talk. "I will get stronger, and I will save the world and I will put it back on track!... I hope so at least" she sighs, before brushing her hair and getting ready for the day.

"Ah, it seems you woke up on your own" Sebastian's voice teases behind her. Startled, she turns quickly and throws a kunai at him, which he catches with just two of his fingers. "Don't sneak up on me like that! You scared me half to death!" She hisses at him. Now, if the world weren't in the shape it was in, she probably wouldn't have been so jumpy. "Sorry, my lady, I didn't mean to startle you. I have come to inform you that breakfast is served and after breakfast, you will be heading out" Sebastian bows to her, before exiting the room, closing the door behind him.

Taking a deep breath to calm herself, she finishes getting dressed and begins to head to the dining room. She opens the door to once again see a large breakfast on the table and many people surrounding the table. She plops down in the seat beside Normic, sleepily grabs a plate, and fills her plate with food. After a few bites, she feels eyes on her. She looks around the table to see Itadori staring at her. Smiling nervously, she waves at him, which snaps him out of his trance and focuses on his food.

"Looks like Yuji Itadori has a thing for you" Normic teases, nudging his elbow into her side. She groans in annoyance before shoving him off. "I highly doubt that's the case, he was looking at me as if he knew me, y'know?" She thinks out loud, looking back over at Yuji, wondering why he was looking at her like that. Just then, a plate of chocolate chip pancakes appears in front of her as someone sets it down. Looking up to see who gave her the plate, she is met with the face of Satoru Gojo.

"I saw you were upset that you didn't get to eat your pancakes yesterday so I decided I'd make some for you this morning" Gojo smiled flirtatiously at her, causing her to blush hard. "Y-yea um, thanks!" She stutters, flustered. Feeling Normic nudge her with his elbow, she turns to him seeing him wiggle his eyebrows at her, earning a slap from her. He laughs it off rubbing the spot she hit. "You know you love me" he mocks her still chuckling. "Sometimes I wonder" She rolls her eyes playfully, before happily eating her pancakes.

"I swear you have the appetite of any main anime character..." Normic groans, seeing as she eats a whole plate of food as well as the pancakes Gojo made. "Hey, it's not my fault it's good food!" She defends herself, her mouth full of good. "You're gross..." Normic gags, playfully shoving her away from him. As they both finish breakfast, Gojo announces they will be leaving shortly to gather their things from their old homes. 

They stand up from the table and start heading toward the door, where Gojo and Kakashi are standing. "Is this all that's going?" Normic questions, not really wanting to be stuck with his best friend and her two anime crushes. "Sebastian will be joining us later to help us load up and bring your stuff back here," Kakashi says opening the door. "Oh, and we will be walking there to get you two into shape and boost your stamina" Kakashi adds, walking down the path. Angel and Normic exchange a glance and begin following behind, Gojo not far behind them.

After an hour or so of walking, they finally make it to town. Walking around the familiar streets, seeing it busier than normal. Everyone was trying to rebuild the damage a few days ago. "Normic?" A familiar voice calls out shakily. Normic turns around to see his little sister Rosa. Her eyes brim with tears, as she runs to him, hugging him tightly. "I thought you were gone!! I thought I would never see you again!!" She sobs into his chest, before seeing Angel beside him. "Angell!!" She immediately goes to hug Angel, and Angel's eyes widen with realization. "Y'know, I just realized something" Angel admits, turning to Normic. "You mean how we forgot to tell anyone we were leaving?" Normal responds, guilt taking over his body as he helps Angel comfort Rosa.

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