Part Six: Forming A Plan

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The rays of the early morning sunshine through the room, causing Angel to stir in her slumber. Rubbing her eyes, she sits up and yawns, turning to see a small purple-haired child in bed beside her. She drowsily looks away before realizing there is someone beside her, looking back to confirm there is someone else in her bed. With a scream, she falls out of bed with a thud, slowly peering over the bedside to look at the small child. "Hm? What's the matter?" Payzege sits up with a yawn, rubbing her eyes drowsily, looking at Angel peeking at her over the bed.

"What are you doing on the floor?" Payzege asks in a confused tone. "Who are you and what are you doing in my bed?" Angel's eyes narrow looking at the girl. Payzege stares at her in disbelief. "Are you kidding me? It's me Payzege the girl you took in last night?" Payzege deadpans. "Oh, right" Angel chuckles standing up and rubbing the back of her head in embarrassment. "How much anime have you watched in your life?" Payzege asks, studying Angel's movements. "Not much, why?" Angel tilts her head in confusion. "Oh it's nothing but the fact you act so much as if you were an anime character" Payzege points out in a bored tone. Angel just rolls her eyes.

"Well anyway I'm sure breakfast is ready so let's go down and get some to eat" Angel gently grabs Payzege's hand, guiding her to the dining room. Payzege stares in awe at the amount of food on the table, as she has never seen so much. Taking her seat beside Angel, she is unsure of what to go for first. "Here, try these, they're my favorite!" Angel places some chocolate chip pancakes on Payzege's plate. Payzege glances at Angel with a questioning look, before carefully taking a bite of the pancake. Her eyes light up with joy at the delicious pancake and begins wolfing down the rest on her plate, grabbing more from the serving dish.

"These are really good!!" She exclaims in joy,  shoving more into her mouth. "I know right?!" Angel says with excitement, happy someone else enjoys her favorite pancakes. "Oh no there's two of them..." Normic sighs watching Payzege scarf down the pancakes. Angel goes to take a bite of her food before a cup of coffee is shoved in her face. "Just the way you like it!" Archibald says proudly. Angel takes it with a smile, taking a few sips. "I'm shocked you even remembered!" Angel politely smiles. "Of course, I remember! How could I dare forget what an angel like you enjoys?" He flirts in a playful tone, bowing to her. She snickers at his actions, taking another sip, and watching him take his seat.

"So what's the plan?" Archibald asks. "What do you mean plan?" Angel responds. "Are you telling me that with there being a villain and so much going on right now you guys don't have a plan on how to stop him?" Archibald asks in disbelief. "Ah, crap we forgot about that..." Angel laughs nervously rubbing the back of her neck. Archibald sighs in disappointment rubbing his temples, before pulling out a map he found and rolling it on the table. "Alright, so tomorrow morning we will have to start moving although the hard part is getting a team together..." Archibald studies the map deep in thought.

"I'm coming!" Payzege says raising her hand in determination. "No, you will stay here you are too young to be coming with us!" Angel scolds the 10-year-old girl. "You guys need me as I know his plans and where he's heading!" Payzege argues. "And how exactly do you know that, kid?" Zuki says, walking in and drinking her coffee. "I'm his daughter!" Payzege says. "So why the hell are you here, who let you in? Why should we trust you? You could just be a spy!" Zuki glares down at Payzege, looking over her. "Look, I get what it may seem like, but I'm not here to cause any harm! I want him to be taken down he isn't in his right mind! After I saw you and Angel I knew I wanted to help you guys! I want to be free from this..." Payzege defends, tears welling up in her eyes, as she is tired of what her father is doing. Zuki grunts but nods, before looking over the map.

"The first place he's going to is here" Payzege points to a small town on the map. "Huh, good thing we needed to go there anyway," a dark voice says behind the group. "Sukuna?" Angels asks turning around to be faced with Sukuna. "What's he doing here?" Zuki asks, eyeing the man. "For your information, I'm Angel's Oni-chan" Sukuna smirks, wrapping an arm around Angel's shoulders. Zuki raises an eyebrow, looking at Angel and Angel just smiles nervously. "So we just trusting villains and their kids I see?" Zuki teases and sips her coffee. "It's complicated..." Angel sighs, before turning to Sukuna. "So why do we need to go there?" She asks him. "It's a surprise" he taunts, a smirk similar to the Cheshire cat graces his features.

"Well now we know a few people on the team which are Angel, Normic, Zuki, and Payzege" Archibald confirms. "I would suggest Kakashi, Rengoku, Gojo as well as Goku" Sukuna suggests. "Why?" Archibald stands straight with his arms crossed, wondering if Sukuna was planning something. "Because I've known Normic, Angel, and Zuki for a long time, so I know their abilities and I know those I picked will be perfect to train them" Sukuna explains vaguely. "You do realize not giving us all the information you seem suspicious right?" Archibald narrows his eyes at the curse. "Plus, why are you helping? Aren't you like the king of curses, a major villain? What's in it for you?" Archibald questions, realizing how out of character this was for Sukuna. "You'll find out soon enough it's no fun giving you all the answers"Sukuna chuckles darkly.

"What about everyone else?" Angel questions, looking at a few of the others there. "They will stay here, as we don't want to travel in large groups as that is dangerous" Archibald explains. "But, if we do need them or anyone else from their world" Sukuna starts, pulling out a deck of cards and handing them to Angel. "You made these back when we were close, they're teleportation cards as well as summoning cards" Sukuna finishes looking at Angel. "I have a feeling we still have a lot to learn," Angel says, looking at the deck of cards." It's settled then we leave tomorrow first thing in the morning" Archibald rolls up the map, putting it in his backpack. "Let's have a party before you all set off!" Narutocheereds, after he had walked in. Everyone nods and mummers in agreement before the door busts open.

"ZUKI?! WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN?!" an angry blond yells out. "Geez, calm down Bakugo, I was only plotting to save the world with my bestie" Zuki rolls her eyes looking at the blond. "Woah, no way! You're the Phoenix and you're Esmeray!" An excited voice says, staring down the two with bright twinkling eyes. "Oh shit it's Deku," Angel says looking at the green-haired boy. "We are definitely taking the broccoli boy and angry Pomeranian with us and I will not take no for an answer" Angel smiles, patting Deku's head. "I feel we may need Deku as he keeps notes on everyone's abilities" Angel explains. "And Bakugo would make a great bodyguard," Zuki says, dropping an arm lazily over the blonde shoulders. Archibald ponders for a moment before nodding in approval. Angel and Zuki high-five and cheer. "Alright, now all that's left is to party!" Zuki cheers, running off into the main room, followed by everyone else. The group shared many memories, laughs, and stories that night, before heading out on their mission to save the world.

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