Part Two: Phoenix and Cloak

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    After about an hour or so of riding in the vehicle they left in, they arrived at a large mansion. Angel's mouth opened in shock as she was expecting a more discreet area than where the base they were heading to was located. "That looks nothing like a base, aren't they supposed to be discreet?" Normic questions as if he had read Angel's mind. "And second of all, how in the heck did you guys even get a base? I mean, you only popped into our world a few hours ago?" Angel questioned,
realizing there was no way they could have gotten a place that fast. "Well, someone who came with us offered to scout out for a place to stay" Gojo explains, looking out the window.

   The car comes to a stop, and the door opens as everyone starts getting out. As Angel goes to step out, a gloved hand almost hits her in the face. Confused, she looks up to see red eyes looking back at her. "A lady such as yourself shouldn't be exiting on her own," the butler in front of her says. In shock, her face goes red as she takes his hand and stands up. "Sebastian Michaelis?" She says looking him up and down, not believing her eyes. He just smiles at her and lets go of her hand. "Alright, enough flirting around, let's head in," Gojo says, leading the way to the front door. Angel looks at everyone around her, trying to see who all ended up here.

   Once they reach the front door, they are met with a blue-skinned man with a ring around his neck. "Hey look it's Whis" Normic chuckled, tapping Angel's shoulder and then pointing towards Whis. "Ah, Phoenix and Cloak, I was wondering when I'd get to meet the two of you," Whis says as he looks over the young man and woman in front of him. Angel and Normic look at each other confused. "Um, what are you talking about?" Angel says tilting her head and looking at the man in front of her. "Oh right, Whis can predict the future. So that must mean those are our code names or something" Normic explains with a proud look on his face. Angel just rolls her eyes before entering the building and taking in everyone in the main room.

   Normic follows closely behind and looks around the room himself. "Oh wow that's a lot of people," he says in awe. "I'm glad you two could finally make it, as we have some important business to discuss," a small boy with blue hair says rather bluntly. "And what business could a pipsqueak like you have to discuss? How about you run along while the adults talk?" Normic says to the boy, almost sounding annoyed. "Normic…that's Ciel Phantomhive, please for the love of Christ treat him with respect or so help me..." Angel mutters, pinching the bridge of her nose in annoyance. "Please, have a seat," Sebastian says, offering a place to sit for both, Normic and Angel. "So, let's just get this over with, as I'm already tired and would like to retire for the night" Ciel sighs, clearly uninterested in this meeting. "I'm sure you are all wondering what happened back there, well there is this bad guy who wanted to take over our world and now yours. Are those guys back there? Those are his henhman, pretty much they're just henchman but without the c. Why? We have no clue. But that's not even the best part, the guy's name is Chad! Can you believe that?" Gojo explains, with a small laugh.

    "Wait, hold on you mean to tell me, that this guy who wants... well whatever he wants… his name is Chad? Not like OverLord or Storm Bringer, but just Chad? Is he… y’know... dumb?" Angel asks, dumbfounded that this villain goes by Chad." "Wow, you actually paid attention to what he said? That's impressive" Normic jokes, earning a slap from Angel. "No, He's not dumb, He's pretty smart and powerful, which is why he hasn't been defeated yet and is now here," a new, yet familiar voice says. Kakashi steps closer to the group before continuing to speak "Although, he has created a drink called moonshine that works like mind control, once someone drinks it, he has power over them, which is how he has all those henhman".

    Angel springs up from her chair, determination running through her veins. “Well, then you can count on Normic and me to help you defeat this Chad, save all of our worlds, and get the balance set on track!" Angel says with pride in her voice. "I agree with Angel, this is our home, our families live here. We can't just stand by and let this prick destroy everything!" Normic says, standing beside Angel. "That's the spirit, you two!" Gojo smiles widely at the pair of determined young adults.

    "Well, it is rather late, and everyone has already had a long day. Tomorrow you two will start training. I will now show you two to the room you'll both be staying in until we can get your other rooms set up." Sebastian says, before walking down the hallway, Angel and Normic following close behind. "Although, Angel, I'm sure we could have a proper sword crafted for you for the future battle you will face" Sebastian offers, looking over his shoulder at the young girl. "Nah, I'll stick the broomstick. I feel... Connected to it, kinda weird though, because it's just a random broomstick. But, it's still pretty cool" she chuckles before throwing it in the air to twirl it. The broomstick falls, hitting her in the head. "That's if you can keep from knocking yourself out with it..." Normic deadpans.

  Angel picks up the broomstick, rubbing her hair in pain, before glaring at Normic. "Oi, you wanna go right here, Right now?! I'll kick your ass" Angel challenges, getting into a fighting stance. Normic sighs, exasperated, flicking her nose. "Gah! Alright, you win this round....." Angel pouts, rubbing her nose. They reach their room, and Sebastian opens the door. "Here is your room, please get some rest. Call if you need anything" he bows respectfully, before closing the door. "Well, He's simply one hell of a butler, isn't he?" Angel chuckles and Normic rolls his eyes. "What? That was a good one!" Angel exclaims, before huffing and getting ready for bed, suddenly feeling the exhaustion of her eventful day.

   After a few minutes of lying in silence, she sits up and looks over at her friend's form, lying in his bed. "Hey, Normic?" Angel asks, trying to sound as curious as possible. "Hm?" Normic hums in response, letting her know he's listening. "You lied to me," she says trying to keep a straight face. He sits up and looks over at her "What do you mean?". "You told me anime would never become real or however you said it" she teases, smirking.

    A soft thump echoes through the room as a pillow hits Angel in the face, knocking her to her bed. She giggles and throws it back. "Hey, you know you love me, you can't deny it!" She teases more. "Sometimes I wonder..." He looks dead at her with a serious expression, before breaking into a small chuckle as well. They both lay down, staring at the ceiling.

  "It's hard to believe..." Angel says, breaking the silence. "What do you mean?" Normic questions. "That only a few hours ago we could have only dreamed of this happening, and now it's reality, and it happened so fast... I have a nagging feeling nothing will be the same as it once was..." Angel says, trying to sort out all the emotions she's been feeling. "Yeah, I know, it's a lot to take in, but I know one thing is for sure, as long as we have each other, we will be okay," he says, in an attempt to ease her racing mind. "And who knows, if we win and make it alive, maybe we will finally be respected and seen as who we are," he says thoughtfully. "Goodnight, Angel. Try and get some rest, as I feel we will definitely need it" he yawns, before getting comfortable and falling asleep. "Yes.... Goodnight Normic, sweet dreams" She yawns as well, before snuggling into her bed and falling asleep herself, waiting to see what the future holds for her and her friend.

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