Part 7: The Journey Begins

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Angel's eyes flutter open, before moving to get up, only to be stopped by something holding her in place. Looking at what was holding her, she saw Payzege still asleep, clutching onto her arm. With a light chuckle, she gently shakes the young girl awake. "Payzege, sweetie, it's time to get up we got to get going soon" Angel whispers, yawning, still exhausted from the party the night before.

With a yawn and a stretch, Payzege sits up and looks up at Angel. Angel stands up helping Payzege off the floor, before going to her to pack things she'll need. Angel sits on the bad thinking over everything that's happened, everything changed so fast in the blink of an eye. Payzege walks in and sees Angel deep in thought. "Is everything okay?" The young girl questions, walking up to the older girl. Snapping out of her trance, Angel looks up and then nods solemnly. "Yeah, I'm fine it's just so much has happened that it's making my head spin, y'know? Yeah, I always dreamed of this happening, getting to fight alongside my favorite characters and be important... I just don't know what to think now that it's actually happening. Am I really cut out for this? What if I fail and let everyone down? What if everyone is right?" Angel sighs, putting her head into her hands.

"I may have only known you for a few hours, but I know you are capable you're strong and I can feel it, you and your friends were chosen for this, remember, life throws the biggest challenges at its strongest warriors, and know they can handle it" Payzege comforts rubbing Angel's back. Angel looks up and smiles, a new determination spreading through her body. "Yea, you're right! I was meant for this! I mean if I clearly was a great fighter in my past lives there is no doubt will be a great one tho life!" Angel stands up and grabs her bag. "What are we waiting for? ADVENTURE AWAITS" Angel exclaims with joy, grabbing the young girl's hand and running out the door and down the stairs to see the rest of the group waiting and ready to go.

"You ready to save the world?" Normic asks, looking at Angel as she gives a firm nod. Normic and Zuki smile, and watch as Angel puts her hand out. Zuki chuckles and puts her hand over Angel's, as Normic rolls his eyes, and puts his over Zuki's, a small smile forming on his lips. Soon after Gojo, Kakashi, Deku, Bakugo, Goku, Payzege, Sukuna, Rengoku, and Archibald all had their hand in the middle. Angel gives off a warm smile, internally squealing with joy and bouncing in excitement, before shouting "INFINITE FIRE TEAM GO!!" they all throw their hands up and shout with her. "That was so lame and cliche" Normic grumbles, though still smiling. "Hey, I always wanted to do that!" Angel defends, turning to everyone who is staying behind. "Until next time! Though the next time you see us we will be heroes!" Angel cheers, waving at everyone. Everyone cheers with her waving and smiling before exiting the mansion for the last time.

After hours of walking, Angel lets out a loud groan. "I'm bored are we almost there?" She groans handing her head lazily. "From the looks of it, we won't arrive until tomorrow at dusk" Kakashi responds, looking over the map, a hint of amusement lacing his words. "Oh come on" Angel groans out again, looking around her surroundings, in hopes of finding a way to entertain herself. Her eyes finally land on Normic, a wide, evil smile tugs at her lips before walking over to Zuki and whispering in her ear. Zuki smiles evilly nodding at Angel's plan, before quickening her pace to match Normic's, acting completely normal.

Zuki raises her hand, before smacking the back of Normic's head. "HEY!! Why did you smack me?!" He shouts turning to the culprit, she just shrugs with a blank expression on her face. "I saw a bug, thought I would kill it for you," she says with a bored tone. "Alright, but you didn't have to slap me that hard!" He grunts, rubbing his head where Zuki hit. "Alright alright sorry I won't do it again" Zuki snickers under her breath, slowing her pace down to match Angel's pace, sending her a small smile, signaling it was Angel's move now. Angel snickers, grabbing a long piece of grass from the side of the path they were on, before poking Normic's neck with it.

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