Part Three: Training

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   The annoying sound of an alarm clock rings out through the small room, indicating morning has arrived. With a groan, Angel starts feeling around for the device, her fingers eventually finding the cold metal of the clock. She grabs the small clock and throws it across the room, shattering it. Mumbling under her breath, she flops back down into her soft pillow. Sebastian enters the room, his eyes finding the broken clock on the floor, a smirk gracing his lips. 

"My, my, you certainly have a distaste for alarm clocks" Sebastian chuckles in amusement, as he strides across the room, opening the curtains to let the sunlight shine through. "You're such a dick..." Angel grumbles, covering her face with a pillow, to block out the bright light. Sebastian walks over to where the girl is lying, trying to pry the pillow out of her grasp. "Now, Lady Angel, it is morning, and breakfast is served, you don't want it to get cold, do you?" Sebastian teased, amusement lacing his voice. "Please just call me Angel, I'm not some frou-frou rich bitch" Angel grumbles before sitting up, clearly grumpy she was woken up. "Sorry, my lady" Sebastian's lips curled into an amused smile, watching her eyes widen and a blush covered her face. "....okay, now I can work with that, that works...." Angel says flustered, her face heating up as her face darkens in a blush.

"Well, my lady, it is time to get up, you still have yet to eat breakfast, and you have to start your training today" Sebastian informed the young girl, once again trying to coax her out of bed. Angel rolls her eyes, before setting her feet on the ground, standing up, and straightening her brunette hair. Angel stretches her body and gives a loud yawn, waking her body up. "So, what is for breakfast anyway since you are so keen on letting me know there's breakfast?" Angel grumbles sarcastically, looking at the demon butler. "I have prepared chocolate chip pancakes, which I was informed you are quite fond of, is that correct?" Sebastian questions, walking over to the door.

Angel's eyes light up with joy upon hearing what Sebastian had said, her stomach now grumbling to indicate her hunger. "Normic, get your ass up, they have my pancakes!" Angel shouted excitedly, turning to the bed Normic had slept in, pointing her finger in that direction as if she were a hyperactive anime character, seeing that it was empty. With eyes widening in shock, she quickly starts searching the room, frantically looking for any signs of where her friend may be.

"Normic?....where's Normic?" Angel says with slight panic, turning to Sebastian, hoping nothing happened, her breathing uneasy. "He is already downstairs waiting on you, so you may want to hurry before he eats all of the pancakes" Sebastian teases, watching her eyes widen. "Why didn't you say so?!" She exclaims, before running out the door, pulling on a robe Sebastian had provided for her, sliding down the rail by the stairs, and landing on the ground with a loud thud. "And she sticks the landing!" She giggles to herself, making her way to the dining area, following the noise and chatter.

Soon, the smell of freshly made pancakes and more fills her nose. Trying her hardest not to drool at the heavenly scent, she opens the doors to the dining room seeing a large display on the table, and many people sitting around the table, eating and chatting. Her eyes scan the many faces, landing on the familiar face of her friend Normic. "You better have left some of my pancakes for me!" she threatens and plops down in the seat beside him.

"Of course, I choose life" he snickers a bit handing her a plate full of chocolate chip pancakes he had saved for her. Her eyes light up with joy, reaching for the plate before a kunai knife flies past, stopping her hands from getting the pancakes. Looking at the knife in the wall behind her, the shock now fading away, she stands up abruptly, her chair falling to the ground with a thud.

Slamming her hands onto the table, her anger rising as she looked around trying to find the person who threw the knife. "ALRIGHT, WHICH ONE OF YOU PUNKS DARE KEEP ME FROM MY PANCAKES?! I WILL RIP YOU LIMB FROM LIMB!" She shouts growling, a tic mark evident on her forehead as she makes eye contact with Sasuke, her eyes narrowing. "Was it you...?" She mumbles darkly, before taking one of her kunai knives and throwing it at him, only for him to catch it with ease. She huffs, before lunging at him, only to be held back by Normic.

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