scared of abandoned - oscar.p and George.r

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Tags: abandoned issues, separate parents, attachment issues, angst, bullying, nightmare, happy end.

Oscar is the bottom


Abandoned was the scariest things that oscar really scared, he was always get abandoned since he was still 5years old.

When he was still in school he got bullied about being dreamed as an F1 driver, his mum would usually abandoned him because she need to go work, his dad always busy about his sister, he always grown up all alone.

Never got listen was something that make oscar really hard to talk with other, always got mistaken was something quite normal for oscar, get scolded because he was too loud also very common for oscar that's why he never show much emotion and that's also why he keep his mouth shut.

'You would never got boyfriend or girlfriend because how fat, ugly, and the look of you.' Normal word from his mum that always spinning inside his head, his parents both divorces when he was still 15years old.

He lived with mark webber, his own manager that he call father since he feel comfortable with mark and yes oscar very attached to mark scared he'll got abandoned again.

Now he was 22years old still having attachment issues and abandoned issues, he never really got a time to open up to lando his own teammates.

He never got a time to getting close to everyone either because he scared and how he had a feeling people would hate him because he take daniel Ricciardo sit, it's Belgium grand prix and he still sitting alone never ask to be with anyone.

He like the sound of rain in this track and how the wind was very freshly cold was really relaxing him, but he felt someone sit beside him and as he look at his left he see George Russell.

"Oh hi george you need lando? Well he was inside you can get inside and go right there is lando room." Oscar say while smiling and look straight again while listening at the poured rain, george shook his head softly before look at oscar.

"I wasn't here because i need lando, i was here to talk and listen to you because lando told me you were a amazing yet cold person." George replied while still looking straight at oscar, oscar look back and george and he give a small smile.

Oscar still doesn't believe what george say but he need to look like he believe it also it's oscar first time hearing someone say that they want to talk and listen to him, to be honest it sound like it was forced to oscar.

"If you were forced by anyone it's fine you can leave." Oscar say with a soft tone to george, oscar love to push people away because how he keep thinking about the way his mum treat him and he deserves it.

"No i didn't get forced by anyone even lando or mark your own manager, i came here because i really want to know about you oscy and yes i call you oscy your not mishear me." George replied while trying to rubbed his back, but oscar give a small flinch when George touch him.

Oscar isn't a big fan of physical touch because everytime someone touch him it's remind him about how his dad usually push him or even beat him until he bleed a lot, but as george touch him it's a bit comfort him and how george call him oscy is.. Comfortable and very fine to oscar.

"Did i scare you?." George ask while his hand move away, oscar look at george with a small blush.

"No.. No your not and uhm it's comfortable when you touch me like that." Oscar replied while look down because how he felt embarrassed, george smile and move closer to oscar and let his hand hug oscar.


As now george and oscar become closer, george now know that oscar having attachment issues secretly because how oscar willing to following him.

George also know oscar had abandoned issues because how he scared to be abandoned and how oscar would sobbed when george leave him, george one time got scolded by lando when oscar was crying because oscar thought george leave him in the grid.

George also learn oscar had several nightmares about his past, oscar doesn't want to open up yet and of course George doesn't want to forced him.

Right now they were cuddling george bedroom while watching some fast&furious, george hug oscar tightly as he felt the younger one was too focus on the movie.

"Oscar." George calls the younger that he hugged, the younger mice his body and turn to look at george.

"I want to ask you on a date, i know it's not romantic in this way but i want to develop a relationship in romantic way because i know sexual is not something you try to find in relationship." George say as he sit, oscar follow george movement to sit also.

"But.. But why? I'm not perfect and i look ugly george, i - i thought you date carmen." Oscar replied with a confused and disbelief face, george hold oscar hand to make the younger one focus on him and believe him.

"Oscar jack piastri you are the most beautiful boy I ever seen, you look gorgeous like a paint from van Gogh you are what Aphrodite made oscar you are gorgeous, beautiful, pretty, handsome, and on top of that you are beautiful.

I want to date you since I've known you for a week because you are a loveable person oscar, you were raised to take the love i have and carmen was just a friend of mine." George replied while brushing oscar hair with his hand, oscar look up and look into george blueish eyes.

"I'm unloved you know that, you know my parents hate me, you know i have attachment issues, and you even knows that i - i got lost on my journey a lot." Oscar say as tears streaming down his cheek, george brush the tears away and he kissed oscar hair softly.

"Everyone deserve love oscar so do you, i don't care you parents hate you because it's about you and me and in here i want to love you and we raised together with love from each other, we can work on your attachment issues because all we need is trust from each other that's the Key's on this relationship, you may lost on your journey a lot but you have me so you don't get lost alone and push people away wasn't the key ossy, i could give the love you always try to find i could make you feel comfortable and i promise i won't leave you like how everyone did." George replied as he hug oscar tightly, he can feel oscar body shaking and how he can feel a wet patch on his Mercedes merch.

"Yes.. Yes i want to be on a date with you george." Oscar replied softly, george smile gently and he kissed oscar forehead while his hand cupped oscar cheek.

Oscar hold george hand and look up at george, the brit smile and he nodded so oscar give george a kiss on cheek.

"I - i trust you." Oscar said while he hugged george tightly, george hugged the aussie body tightly.

"You don't need to trust me so fast, we can do this slowly yes?." George voice is full of gentleness and it's what oscar love about george, it's what oscar try to find from people.

"Yes we can go slowly." Oscar replied with a small muffled, that afternoon was full of love and some deep talk they need.

Oscar learn about george nightmare, george learn about oscar mentally ill.

Both learn about each other, but in here george learn he need to be gentle and he need to be a good dominant to his princess.

I learn about your monster so i can be a good guard to you.


Silly me said i wouldn't updating BUT MAKING A FUCKING BOOK OF A CHRISTMAS SMUTT.

F1 SMUTT CHRISTMAS CALENDAR already uploaded you can check on my acc💅🏻

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