Chapter 10: The Fourth Pearl

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Eli was woken up from her slumber by an insistent doorbell, accompanied by rhythmic banging on the front door. Eyes barely opened, she glanced at the clock on her bedside table—8 AM glowed back at her, far too early for her usual schedule. Groaning, she dragged herself out of bed, her footsteps heavy as she stumbled toward the persistent noise. Rubbing her eyes, she flung the door open to find Charles standing there, an oddly expectant grin lighting up his face. His presence at such an ungodly hour both surprised and puzzled her. "Charles, what on earth—" she started, still half-asleep and trying to piece together the abruptness of the situation. Without missing a beat, Charles quickly cut her off, his excitement palpable. "Pack your bags, we're going to Austria!" he announced, and invited himself into her home, pushing past her and making his way up.

Eli blinked, still trying to fully wake up and comprehend the unexpected invitation. "Austria?" she repeated, her brain slowly registering the information. Charles nodded eagerly. "One of our staff is ill, and there's a spare pass. Thought you'd appreciate being closer to the track," he explained, already assuming her agreement. The thought of being closer to Lando during the race sparked a sense of intrigue within her, and despite the abruptness of the invitation, the opportunity was too tempting to pass up. "When are we leaving?" she asked, the drowsiness fading into curiosity. "Plane's in...2 hours," Charles flashed a grin, plopping down onto the couch and making himself comfy. Eli stood in her living room in mild disbelief at the sudden turn of events, but quickly rushed into her room to begin packing.

As Eli scrambled around her room, frantically tossing clothes into a half-open suitcase, Charles lingered by the door, observing her bustling activity. "So, how have things been since I've been in Spain and Canada?" he inquired, trying to keep the conversation going while Eli busied herself with the last-minute packing. "I went back to London for a bit, caught up with some friends and family. It was nice being around familiar faces after being away for so long," Eli replied, folding her clothes, and stuffing them into her luggage. "Oh, and I bumped into Lando in London. We ended up going out for drinks with my friends," she mentioned nonchalantly, trying to play it down. Charles perked up, "Wait, what did you just say?" he exclaimed, a mix of surprise and interest colouring his tone. Eli paused for a moment, trying to choose her words carefully. "I bumped into Lando whilst home and invited him to drinks with my friends," she repeated casually. "And...?" he prodded, trying to fish for details. She knew exactly what he was trying to play at, but she continued as if unaware, slightly amused at his reaction so far, "No bead darkened if that's what you're asking." Charles stared at her, "Forget about the damn beads!" he exclaimed, causing Eli to burst into laughter. "We just went for drinks and it was nice. He let me crash at his because I was too tipsy to head home," she continued on about the evening's events between chuckles. "And before you say anything," she warned Charles as she watched his eyes widen at her last statement, shooting her a knowing look, "Nothing happened," she smiled at him before returning to packing. "Whatever you say," Charles remarked with sing-song voice, his tone filled with brotherly teasing, as he went back to the couch. Eli rolled her eyes, smiling at his antics as she zipped up the suitcase. With a final glance around the room to ensure she hadn't forgotten anything important, she dragged her luggage behind her and followed Charles out the door, ready for the impromptu trip to Austria.

The Austrian air was brisk and alive with the promise of the upcoming race weekend. Eli glanced out of the taxi window as they approached the hotel, seeing a sea of bright orange, unmistakably the McLaren team's arrival. Charles and Eli checked into the hotel, walking through the lobby, and she spotted Lando just a few feet away, engaged in conversation with some of his team members. She couldn't help but feel a twinge of anxiety, not sure how he'd react after the sudden intrusion into their world. "Lando!" Charles called out with a friendly wave, and he turned, spotting them. His expression shifted, caught off guard to see Eli with Charles. There was a momentary flicker of surprise and something else, an emotion she couldn't quite place. It seemed to be a mix of curiosity, surprise, worry, and perhaps a hint of something deeper. "Hey," Lando replied, a smile not quite reaching his eyes. Eli felt a sense of unease as they approached Lando, the atmosphere slightly awkward. "Didn't expect to see you here," he added, directing it to Eli. "Well, what can I say? I can be quite persuasive," Charles joked, slinging an arm around Eli's shoulders. There was a slight shift in Lando's usual demeanour as he forced a smile. Charles could sense the tension, and decides to leave them be, "Alright, I'll leave you two to it. Enjoy your evening guys. I'll meet you here tomorrow morning, Eli." As he took his leave, Eli turned to Lando, "Wanna grab dinner later?" Lando pasued for a moment, contemplating his response. "Oh, but you must be tired right? Plus you have a packed schedule the next few days... You need your rest—" He could tell Eli was starting to feel a little uneasy, so he quickly interrupted, "No, dinner sounds great," he agreed, offering a small yet reassuring smile.

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