𝗰𝗵𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗲𝗿 𝟭𝟮

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3rd POV

      The past three months had been a whirlwind for [Y/N]. The initial excitement of the pregnancy had given way to a heightened sense of protection from Hailee. Every move was scrutinized, every step monitored as if [Y/N] had suddenly become fragile glass. It wasn't the life she had envisioned during those hopeful discussions about their future as parents.

      One sunny afternoon, feeling a bit stifled by the constant surveillance, [Y/N] decided to sneak out for a bit of shopping. She wanted a taste of normalcy, a break from the suffocating concern that surrounded her every move. Unbeknownst to Hailee, she slipped out quietly, craving the simplicity of browsing through stores without an entourage.

      As [Y/N] returned with bags in hand, the air seemed charged with tension. Hailee, standing near the entrance, wore a worried expression that quickly shifted to anger as [Y/N] walked through the door.

"Where the hell have you been?" Hailee's voice cut through the air.

      [Y/N] winced at the sharpness of Hailee's tone. "Just out for a little shopping, Hailee. I needed some fresh air."

"Fresh air?" Hailee's eyes narrowed, her concern giving way to frustration. "Do you even realize the risks? Anything could have happened to you or the baby!"

      [Y/N] sighed, trying to remain calm. "Hailee, I appreciate your concern, but I can't be cooped up all the time. I need a sense of normalcy too."

"Normalcy?" Hailee scoffed. "This isn't about you anymore. It's about our child, and you seem to forget that."

      A hint of resentment crept into [Y/N]'s voice. "I didn't forget, Hailee. But I'm not just a vessel for the baby. I'm still a person with my own needs and desires."

      Hailee's expression hardened. "Don't you dare trivialize this. I thought something happened to you. Do you know how terrified I was?"

      [Y/N] felt a pang of guilt but stood her ground. "I didn't mean to worry you, but I can't live in constant fear. We need to find a balance."

"Balance?" Hailee snapped. "You're risking our child's safety for what? A shopping trip?"

"It's not just about shopping," [Y/N] retorted. "It's about maintaining my sanity, about feeling like a normal human being. I can't be wrapped in cotton wool 24/7."

      Hailee's frustration boiled over. "You don't get it, do you? I'm not worried about you; I'm worried about our child. Every time you step out without protection, you're risking their safety."

      Tension hung in the air as [Y/N] absorbed Hailee's words. "I get that you're concerned, Hailee, but I won't let fear dictate every aspect of my life. We need to trust that things will be okay."

      Hailee's eyes flashed with a mix of anger and fear. "Trust? Trust won't protect our child from accidents or unforeseen dangers. I won't let anything happen to them."

      [Y/N] sighed, feeling the weight of the situation. "I understand you want to keep us safe, but we can't live in constant fear. It's not healthy for any of us."

      Hailee's shoulders tensed, her protective instincts clashing with [Y/N]'s desire for autonomy. "I can't just stand by and watch you put our child at risk."

"I'm not putting them at risk deliberately," [Y/N] argued. "I'm just trying to live a normal life while I still can. We can't control everything."

      Silence settled between them, the room heavy with unspoken emotions. Hailee's concern for the baby clashed with [Y/N]'s need for independence, leaving a rift that seemed challenging to bridge.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 29, 2023 ⏰

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