A Second Chance, 1968

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Murdoch's eyes fluttered to life to the sound of an all too familiar stern voice hollering his name. In front of him stood the Fat Controller and an Inspector.

"Um hello Sir?" Murdoch said, vision still blurry from the sudden awakening. "What's going on?"

"Do you mind explaining what happened last night?" asked the Inspector.

Murdoch was puzzled. "W-What do ye mean?"

"You went to the Ironworks to collect your train, correct?" said the Fat Controller.


"And that's all? You didn't bring along anything else perhaps?"

"Sir I donie mean to be rude, but I'm not a fan of these riddles. What are ye on aboot?" Murdoch yawned.

"While the shunters were going through your train last night they found an engine near the back."

Murdoch was awake now and looked down at the men in shock. "I didn't know there was an engine on me train! I just got me trucks and left! I know you got in a heap a trouble when Douglas brought Oliver over I swear I didn't mean to-"

"That would be all." said the Inspector as he raised his hand to silence the 9F. "Your crew said the same thing and just based on your reaction this clearly was an accident. The engine must have been placed in the train by mistake."

"Right but the question is do I send him back? He is technically British Railways property but I know what'll await him if I do."

Topham put his hand to his forehead and sighed.

"Oh what to do, what to do."

"Well Sir, if I may, but we could always use an extra set of buffers around here. Especially if one of us goes in for repairs like Henry." Murdoch said.

"Hmm that is a good point Murdoch. But first, I believe reintroductions are in order." The Fat Controller said as he walked away.

"Reintroductions?" puzzled Murdoch.

The Fat Controller entered the large works shed. It was oddly silent due to the mishap. Soon enough Topham came face to face with the queer tender engine. His black paint was worn and his face coated in grime.

"I see you've had a rough couple of days haven't you?"

The engine's eyes perked up at the stout man before him and let out a defeated sigh.

"I presume you'll send me back Sir?" he said meekly.

"Son, you were on that train by mistake. Clearly god wanted you here for a reason and who would I be to go against him. Tell me if you stay, permanently, will you be as hard working as before?"

"O-Oh yes Sir! I-I promise Sir!"

"That's a good engine. Now what was your name again? I never properly received it from you."

"N-Neville Sir."

"Right. We'll get you patched up and you'll be in working service in no time."

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